Chapter 8: Another Bloody Nightmare

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We did it y'all!! 340+ reads and counting!!

tw: nightmare, panic, "drowning", Virgil being Virgil 

Spinning. Everything around him spinning, twirling, going round but nothing moving. Nothing moving but all spinning and running in circles. Paralyzed in the spot but everything blending around at the speed, changing and morphing, all too fast to know what is or isn't. Not only around him, but also inside, his stomach clenching and sickness setting in.

Millions of voices where screaming, yelling so loud. No words could be made up form the hurricane of sounds, all coming from miles away, so far but yet so loud. They were all drowned, dulled away.

Drowning. Logan was drowning. He wasn't sure when, how, why, but he was; he was drowning, sinking in this substance, the air around him gone. It wasn't water; it was much denser, sinking him down, making it impossible to swim back up and escape. The air was running out. No air to breathe.

This substance- this red, wet, thick substance- no oxygen could be found. There was no oxygen. No oxygen in this drawing mass of red that spined and yelled at the man, who wanted nothing more than to escape.

Logan woke up panting, gasping, begging for air. His breathing was fast and accelerated. The man chocked on his tears- was he crying? -as he tried to slow it down. He'd been through this before; he knew he had to calm down. He had to calm down. It only took him a few minutes to realize his dead heart hadn't changed its rhythm. It was slow, loud, hammering. Logan breathed one last time before pushing his blue hair off his face, only then noticing it was sticky; the man was covered in cold sweat.

A nightmare. Another bloody nightmare. It had been a while since Logan got these, at least it wasn't as intense as others- The man sighed. He really, really hoped this wouldn't become something daily again. He couldn't go through that again.

Fumbling for his glasses, Logan checked his alarm clock. 7:34 pm. The man groaned, turning around in his bed and staring at the floor bellow him. It took him more than what Logan would've wished for, but eventually the man was able to push himself off the bed and on the way to get ready. He had to be adequate for going out with Virgil in about an hour, meaning that he still had some time; still, he wasn't going to leave things for last minute.

That morning- no. Afternoon. It was afternoon now. That afternoon Logan spent a lot of time in the shower, letting the warm water fall to his face. Everything seemed to disappear in the shower, the water washing away problems. Oh, how wonderful would it be to be able to stay in this state forever, not having to worry about anything, sounds of water falling and the calm being your only company.

Hesitantly, Logan turned the water off and exited the shower. He stopped next to the mirror to get a good look at himself. Without his glasses and the slight layer of mist that had condensed into the mirror it was very hard to see his reflection, altho you could make out most of it. Indigo hair pushed down against his head by the water, grey eyes, the slightest hints of a small beard (it was very hard to grow one, but hairs where finnaly starting to apear in his face), and a tattoo covering half his chest. Logan had 2 tattoos, one in his chest, another going down his spine. The back one was a small caricature of the planets of the solar system, Mercury at the base of his neck, Pluto being the last one, all of the 9 planets forming a straight line. True, Pluto was no longer considered a planet, but the man had always had a soft spot for that little guy.

The one in his torso had a completely different theme. It was the intricate design of an owl, with its wings spread wide, so much the tips of them reached his collar. Logan traced the edges of the wings, getting to the twin scars on his chest. An owl. The man was very proud with this particular choice. Owls, the symbol of the goddess Athena in Greek mythology, goddess of intelligence, wits, arts and crafts, war strategy... his personal favorite. That animal symbolized the knowledge in the skies, while snakes symbolized knowledge down on earth. There were many snake symbols in Greek mythology, more than one God who chose that animal for them. Meanwhile the owl was characteristic of Athena, reason why Logan ended up going for that one. And now that he was a vampire... Janus explained that vampires can shapeshift. That bats are the default, but that with time you could turn to other animals. Would Logan ever be able to become an owl? He sure wished so.


Logan waited for Virgil at the door of his house. Apparently, the place they were headed was nearby and it'll be faster to get there if Logan waited for the other vampire. It had been agreed to meet five minutes ago and Virgil still hadn't showed up. It seemed being late was something common for this vampire, this being the third time it happened, and Logan didn't find it amusing. He always arrived 5 minutes early, and if he was going to come 5 minutes (or more) late, Logan would have to wait a total of 10 minutes. It was certainly irritating.

Finally, Virgil seemed to be appearing. His black hair sheltered away some of his face, but behind that Logan could see how he was wearing dark lipstick, a very dark, practically black, red, along with faded black eyeshadow with sharp eyeliner. His clothes consisted of the ripped purple shirt he'd worn the day they've gone to Janus's house, a leather jacket and extremely skinny jeans with a few holes; underneath them you could see fishnet. He was wearing different boots this time, ones with a higher ankle, a fairly big platform (so that Logan was only taller than him by 3 cm). As always, he was wearing his chocker, along some other chain accessories and earrings in his ears. Once he got next to Logan, he eyed his friend and shook his head.

"Dreamboat... please. You need to find yourself a better sense of style, and fast."

"What's your problem with my clothing?"

"21st century! Like- you got all the cool shit! Look at these boots!" Virgil lifted his foot up, "And the rad earrings and all! And you still choose to dress like that!? When Snake said "hey I'm getting a modern vampire into the gang" I thought "finally, someone who I can do cool shit with!" But you're like these old bastards!"

"Part of me wants to feel offended. The other part is feeling flattered for being compared to two noblemen."

"I-" Virgil groaned. He muttered something under his breath and took his jacket off, revealing the fact that he wasn't wearing a t-shirt; it was a tank top. He approached Logan and forced the jacket onto him.

"Hey hey hey what do you think you're doing!?" Logan complained as Virgil started to un-tie his tie, face getting warmer from how close the two were.

"You're gonna stand out so much in there dressed like that none of the humans will want you close. I'm helping you blend in," Virgil explained, "There. I let you keep your tie, so you should be grateful for that. Let's go!"

Logan bit his lip and looked at his new outfit. Blue cuffed jeans, his black shirt with first two buttons undone (courtesy of Virgil), his tie now hanging down the sides of his neckline and the leather jacket on. He sighed. Could be worse.

"Where are we going anyways?" Logan asked, catching up with Virgil.

"Oh, we're going to Funky. It's a nice place for going around, which is exactly what we're doing tonight."

"Going around- I thought you where gonna teach me how to feed!" Logan mouthered, trying not to yell at the other vampire.

"I know what I said," Virgil looked back at Logan, "Look, each one of us has their way. I'm teaching you mine. If ya don't like, you can always buy it in The Black Market as Janus does for Ree."

"He what!?"

"Chillax. The Black Market is a shop that opens at night that has cool shit for the supernaturals like us. It isn't the human black market, its' just a place called like that. Vampiric Target, if you will."

Logan took his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What did I ever do in my past live to deserve this."

"Idk dreamboat, you figure it out. I'm hungry."


Sooooo something fun is gon happen in the next chapter... >:D

i dont like making my chapters too long because long chapters tire me a lot, so y'all will have to wait until tuesday for the next one uwu

Also, feel free to try n figure what Logan's nightmare was exactly about. there's reasons behind it

peace, love and granola!

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