Chapter 2: Oh shit.

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tw: idk, perhaps mention of drugs/rape, but none of that actually happens, it's just Lo being confused af, ya know?

The next thing Logan was aware of was the fog that had invaded his senses. Everything was numb, neither hot nor cold, just floating. With the exception of his neck, of course. A fiery pain soon made itself significant, making Logan flinch.

Slowly, his ears seemed to start working again. Voices could be heard, the ones of two people, most likely men, talking. Both sounded familiar, but Logan's mind was working much slower than usual, making it impossible to recognize the speakers.

The more time Logan stayed in this semi-conscious state, the more he noticed how drained he was. He was drained. So, so drained. His head was spinning, feeling a weight crushing him down to the earths core, gravity being so much more powerful than ever before. His eyelids where glued together but the light from the outside world still fought its way through the membranes, staining his vision red. But the worst now, apart from the burning feeling from his neck, was his mouth. His tongue felt out of place, unwelcome in the space, touching the front teeth in a way that couldn't be escaped. His teeth felt different as well, but the man was unable to pin-point the reason why. And his throat was so dry, so wrong. He needed something, something to drink, but the mere thought of water made him want to gag.

His senses started to function little by little. He could feel his clothes, altho he was unnable to find the comfort of his tie around his neck. Instead, something wet was set over his forehead, cheeks and hands. For the texture and his position, he was most likely laying on a couch. The man couldn't open his eyes still, but the voices that could be heard started to get clearer, so much that he could start distinguishing words, even if his brain still couldn't keep up with the pace to process their content.

Footsteps. Footsteps that started to get louder, approaching Logan. Ice cold, a hand under his chin, raising his head up a bit. Some muttering. Logan definitively knew that voice. He tried to open his eyes to no avail. After a few seconds, something touched his lips, it was cold, hard, circular. A cup?

It tilted, a warm liquid touching his lips, entering his mouth. Pure nectar. That's what Logan thought he was drinking as he quickly shallowed, craving more.

"Finally, he awakens," the second voice huffed.

"It's only been a day, you should be grateful it was so fast," The one that sounded closer replied. Wait, was that- "You took almost three!"

"I was starving to death, Snakey. Have some respect."

"J- ja- ja-" Logan muttered once he finished drinking

"Take it easy specs, re-birth isn't an easy process. You should get some more rest. No, better said, you have to get more rest. Virgil!"

"On it," More footsteps were heard. Seconds after, everything turned black once more.


The second time Logan woke up, he felt much more in control of his body. Some strength had managed to come back, and his face didn't feel as wet anymore, altho a different texture had appeared. It felt dirty. Logan felt dirty. There was something on his face and hands, and his clothes were sticking to his skin, and his hair was falling on his face. The man tired to stand up, which made him notice he was still in the same place than he had been in last time he'd woken up, but a force pushed him down again

"Wait a min dreamboat, you ain't in the condition of standing up yet," one of the voices from before said, "Janus, get the fuck back in 'ere, your flake is up!"

"Coming!" Janus's voice yelled, running could be heard.

Logan attempted to open his eyes once more, this time proving itself more successful than last time. Even so, he was instantly blinded by the light from a lamp above.

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