Chapter 23: logan fixes things up... but to what cost?

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TW: angst, mentions of being kicked out, mentins of dysphoria

Also, thanks for 1,4k reads lol

Logan attempted to reach Virgil a few times after he flew away, both texting and calling, but it was useless; he didn't answer as much as he tried. Next, he texted Emile, letting him know what had happened and asking for help. It took a minute or two to get a response from him, but Emile ended up telling Logan what to do next; they would lie to Patton so that the kid wouldn't get too worried saying that Virgil was simply tired and decided to leave early. Apparently, Patton could get worried sick when someone was hurt. Literally. As for Virgil, Emile recommended waiting a bit, since he might still be a bat (meaning that he couldn't use his phone), and check on him when they got home.

The ride back was silent. As Virgil was no longer there, Logan sat on the front seat, leaving Patton alone in the back. No one spoke, except if you count Patton's (and occasionally Emile's) singing along to the Disney songs from the radio as talking.

Logan was dropped in the square, same spot where he had been picked up 4 hours earlier. He checked his phone again, no answer. The concern inside Logan kept growing. True, he had never been exactly fond of Virgil, nor talked much to him, but what happened before... Virgil shouldn't be alone, especially now.

The vampire dialed a new number and waited for the owner to pick up. No one answered on the first try. On the second one, finally, he answered.

"Logan?" Janus breathed, "This... you better have an excuse to call me, I was attending to very important business-"

"Is Virgil there?" Logan interrupted him, "It's urgent."

"Virgil?" A different voice repeated, Remus's one, "What's wrong with him?"

"It's- it's a long story, I fucked up -

"We fucked," Remus whispered, Janus shushed him.

"-and he ran away. He turned into a bat and ran away. I'm concerned about him. Did he go home with you guys?"

"Eh- not that I'm aware of?" Janus replied, "What did you do, Logan?"

"It's- it's complicated. I'll tell you later, but I need to find him now"

With that, Logan ended the call and put his phone back on his pocket. So Virgil wasn't at home... there was another place Logan thought of, so he started to walk that way, hoping that his intuition would be right.


Logan looked up at the building that stood in front of him. It was an old apartment, with grey walls and little black windows that stared down at him, their gaze filled with judgement. The vampire shook his head and got in.

This'll be the second time Logan ventured in there, the first being exactly a month ago, that night, that date with Virgil. The man cringed at the memory. He could feel his chest tighten and his body stiffen, but he forced himself to keep going.

Finally, he got to the right place. He stared at the door, it looked exactly the same as all the other doors; tall, black, the lock to the left and the peephole just underneath the golden number. Logan's fist was up, ready to knock, altho he didn't, not at first. Virgil might hate him, this hate could increase with him coming here, intruding, bothering him when vulnerable. But, to be fair, when did Virgil not intrude with all those sarcastic remarks and strange commentaries of his? Hadn't Virgil been the one to hypnotize Logan during his own breakdown a few days ago to get him to open the bathroom door? Checking on him couldn't be compared to that, this would probably go ok.

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