Little bella/caregivers cullens

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Bella had a Secret she never told anyone not even her parents when she went for the classification test she got little but she gave her parents fake papers that said she was neutral because she knew that Phil hated littles with a passion and her mother would do anything for Phil and her real father was always busy with work so she stayed hidden and one day she came home from school to see Phil holding a paper and Phil drags her by her shirt to the couch and he said well well if it's not little miss fake Neutral I found your original classification papers why are you hiding them and Bella says because of you.

 and Phil walks over and grabs Bella's hair he pulls her over his lap and says you know we all don't have time for babies who wet themselves and can't talk properly and eat without help now for lying to me your going to get it and don't you think I noticed the excessive washing of your bed sheets and he says ok now let's see how many am I going to give you 50 with my hand and 60 with my belt go it and you're going to have to count each one I give you and when it was over phil say's go change you stink and looks like the wittle baby can't go potty by her self and then the week following that Phil's abuse was getting worse and when her mother came home Renee says what the long look on your face freak and Phil passionately kissed Renee and says the freak has been good except a few tantrums and wetting her self and the bed and Renee says go to your room I can't look at you right now and when Bella was in her room she started sucking her thumb.

 and thinking why couldn't I have parents who accept me and love me and care for me then later Renee throws open Bella's bedroom door and says freak you're going to your fathers leaving in the morning so pack your shit and hope you like fork's that's where you will be staying permanently and she slams the door closed and Phil comes in and says I'm going to give your going away presents and that night he beat Bella bad and Bella woke up early in the morning and took her stuff and got into the car and they dropped her off at the airport and when she got to forks she met up with her dad and he hugged her.

and said how are you ok and Bella says I'm fine Renee says hello once at dads home he says I may have gotten you a present Bella says Dad you shouldn't she runs up to her room and opens the laptop and found something she was looking for she says I need these head space blockers and now I'm going to pay a lot for them and when she went back downstairs she saw her dad talking to someone and she goes down stairs and billy black say's hello Bella and jake say hi I'm Jacob we used to make mud pies when we were younger and Bella say's oh yea hello and then billy hands Bella the keys to the truck and leaves with Jacob.

and then Bella goes up to her room the next day at school she felt anxious and when she went to her first class she got the only open seat in front of a short pixie-like girl and a honey-blonde boy who looked like he was in pain and they introduced themselves the pixie name is Alice and my pain is jasper and when she shook there hands she felt a good spark with them it happens when you meet your true dom and sub or mate or other and they turned to each other and that's when class started and they passed notes to each other and when the bell rang jasper grabs Bella's hand and says we finally found you and Alice say oh don't pout baby girl.

and Bella says your my true caregiver and Alice says yep Bella says how could you tell I was wittle and Alice and Jasper say true caregivers can spot a little out of a crowd Bella hands them her phone and they put their numbers in it and Alice says little one what's those key's for and Bella says they to my ruck and home and jasper says that's dangerous for you what if you slip well you drive that a no-no and Bella pouts and Alice say you're going to sit with me and your da got it and they walked Bella to her next class and she sits in front of a Beautiful blonde girl and a muscle strong boy and they introduce them self as Rosalie and Emmett.

and then when you shook their hands you felt that pain/spark again Emmett pulls Bella in his lap and Rosalie says oh thank you for looking at the sky and Bella says you know it's wittle and Emmett says your going to be so spoiled and Rosalie says my I have your phone so I can put our numbers in it and you're going to sit by our lunch and Emmett says why do you have Alice and jasper's numbers and Bella say they my other true caregivers,

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