Little edward x caregivers rosalie and emmett

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Edward thought today was going to be a good day at school even though he heard that there was a new girl coming to school The police Chiefs daughter Bella but Edward was broken out of his thoughts when rosalie taps Edward's shoulder and says hay baby boy you ok and Edward kicks his legs and says ma ma otay and then Rosalie says hay Ed's remember what I said you have to be a big boy and then emmett say's we will see you at lunch ok text us if you feel like your slipping if your really close slipping find us and then Edward say's ok and then emmett says we're here and Edward gets out of the car and walks into the school building and he went to the first half of his classes fine until he sits down in Science class and he heard Mike newton talking to the new girl and she stepped in front of the fan and Edward smelled her sent and he was having a hard time controlling his thirst for her blood and he was starting to slip because he was thinking if he hurt her he would be seen as a monster and by the end of class he ran out at human pace to the car running past rosalie and emmett and Rosalie say's ok I will go after him his eyes are black and Edward sit's in the back of the car and slip's his thumb in his mouth sucking it and then Rosalie opens the back door and gets in and closes the door and say's oh little vamp what am I going to do with you and Edward says I da monsta I almost hurt that new girl Bella and Rosalie say's oh mama can tell you want to go game and stay in little space and then Edward says afta winch and then Rosalie says come let's sit with daddy ok and they both get out of the car and walk into the cafeteria and he sat next to emmett and then Rosalie says I am taking him hunting he need you know and then the lunch bell a rang and Rosalie and emmett and Edward walked to there car and rose buckle's Edward in his car seat and Edward start's trying to reach at the toys on the car seat handle and he start's drooling venom on his shirt and then rose get in the car and they speed of and when they pull in rose runs at vamp speed to get Edward and unbuckles him and says ok mama is going to get you some bottles of blood ok and then later on Edward say's bwood morw and then Rosalie say's Edward you stop fussing and then later on after Alice and Jasper came back from school to see Edward on his back on a activity mat Jasper say's let me Guess we have a wittle Eddie on our hands and then esme walks in and say's well sorry I was not here to great my children your father should be home soon and esme walks into the living room to see Jasper and emmett playing there xbox360 playing fifa and then esme see's Edward playing on his water activity mat and then esme hears the downstairs door open and shut and Carlisle says my love how was your day and Carlisle pick's up Edward and holds his head aw hay little Ed and then esme say's where's rose and emmett say's she is making more blood bottle's for him and then rose say's because his eyes went black because of the police chiefs daughter Bella and then Carlisle says she is his blood singer and then rose says what if she thinks he is weird like this and then a two weeks later Edward says mom stop I am fine I don't need a water bottle of blood and then once in Science Bella walks up to Edward say's where have you been and Edward says a trip and then a month later Bella and Edward were dating and Bella came over to the house unannounced and barges in and says where the hell is Edward and then she walks up the stairs and see's a adult sized nursery and she see's rose holding someone and then she walks in and see who it was it was Edward and Bella say's oh now I never knew he likes to be kinky and Rosalie say's he's not he has a headspace and then Bella says is that a diaper on him and then Bella says oh I never would date a man baby who needs his diaper changed and his bottle every night and then rose hands Edward to emmett and used her new power she found out she had she could erase people's minds what they should not hear and then rose takes Bella home and puts her in bed and put's her crappie truck there and runs off into the woods and from then on Bella never bothered them.

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