Forced baby Bella x dark Edward & Tanya

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Bella was new to Alaska and she was moving to get away from her family for reasons but that all changed when she met vampires that would change her life.

Edward and Tanya all felt like they were missing something in their immortal life that was a baby and one day at school they heard a new girl was coming they thought maybe she is the one.

Bella walks into the school cafeteria she sees a good looking people and she sits with Steve and Peggy and Kate and Yelena and Bucky Bella says who are they and Kate says that's the Cullens and Denali's Some are all together like that one that's Rosalie she is with Emmett and that he is carrying is Mimi they are like in a poly relationship.

And that is Alice and Jasper the one Jasper is holding is Bree they are in a relationship like Emmett and Rosalie and those are Karley and Stacie they are I think some way in a relationship with Carlisle and Esme and those are are the Denali's that Kate is with that guy his name is Garrett and Irina she is with Laurant over there and Tanya she is with Edward and they are looking for a third to there relationship.

And then when she went to chemistry she saw the only seat open was next to Tanya and Edward she sits there and Tanya says hello I am Tanya and this is Edward I see that were partners for the rest of the school year and that is when Mr banner Romanoff says today is a group project so you will be working with your desk mates so today is your partner so.

Get to work now and then Bella handed them a piece of paper with her number on it and says if you want we can work after school that put a smile on Tanya's face that she would have her baby sooner yes if we invite her over to the house we can giver her the regression drops and see how far she gets.

if not we can baby her and since she is human we could make her wet herself and make her wear a diaper then we can start treating her like our baby feeding her dinner giving her a bottle of my milk and Edward smirks at his wife's thought and then Edward says um Bella I was wondering if you wanted to come back to our pace after school to work on the project and Bella says OK and Tanya say what class do you have next because we have a free period and then Bella says gym.

then once gym was over Bella saw them standing by the door and then Bella feels someone grab her and she saw that it was Tanya holding her hand they get to Tanya's jeep and Bella looks at Edward and says um it's too high Edward picks up Bella and puts her in the car seat and Bella says I am old enough to sit in the seat by my self and Edward says that the seat belt was broken so you have to sit here.

When they pulled up to the house Bella looked at it in Aww because they must have money and it's weird that it was in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness when she was not paying attention Edward carried her into the house and then she looked around and said wow this is a nice house and Edward and Tanya said it our place and Tanya says Bella would you like something to drink and Bella says what do you have and Edward says how about lemonade and Bella says that would be fine.

And Tanya walks to the kitchen and adds half of a teaspoon of regress drops to Bella's lemonade and shakes it and walks back she hands Bella the bottle of lemonade and Edward and Tanya wait for her to drink it Bella drinks some and half what through there study session bella finishes her drink and starts feeling weird and all of a sudden she wets her pants and she look up at Edward and Tanya crying and Edward smiles and says oh baby girl see mama told you that your too little for big girl panties.

And Tanya picks Bella up and carries her to her nursery Tanya says no baby girl no thumb in your mouth it's yucky it will make you sick Edward puts a pacifier in Bella's mouth and smiles and kisses Tanya I am so glad we finally have our baby girl and Tanya takes Bella's clothes and throws them into the fire and she puts a diaper on Bella and some khakis with the snap on them and a green sweater onesie and she snaps the buttons on Bella's onesie and Bella reaches up and plays with mommy's hair and Edward says oh does my baby like playing with mommy's hair.

And Tanya says Edward will you get her dinner ready please and tanya sits on the couch with Bella and unbuttoned her shirt and undone her nursing bra and let Bella latch on to her breast then 40 minutes later Edward walks in and say's dinner is ready and tanya puts Bella in her high chair and Bella smacks her hands on the high chair tray babbling and Edward says is my little girl hungry and Bella says dada nom noms and Tanya says good girl and she feeds Bella and when Bella woke up from the regression drops it was a week later and they gave her more regression drops and eventually they gave Bella the permanent regression drops and she became Edward and Tanya's baby forever because they turned her but she was still very dependent on them and she still was in her little space as a vampire.

And Tanya says Edward will you get her dinner ready please and tanya sits on the couch with Bella and unbuttoned her shirt and undone her nursing bra and let Bella latch on to her breast then 40 minutes later Edward walks in and say's dinner is re...

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Edward and Tanya's home

The outfit they put on little Bella and a photo of Bella holding the lemonade with the regression drops in it

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The outfit they put on little Bella and a photo of Bella holding the lemonade with the regression drops in it

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