Little zombie y/n x caregivers bella and edward

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You walked out of the car your mom was in and liv say's come on dad will be here soon and then later on you her another car pull up and you run down the stairs and major lilywhite and you run down the stairs and hug him and you say daddy I missed you so much since you were gone so wlong and major say's so darling is this brain or is it something else and then liv say's it's there classification they are a little so that is why they are acting that way and then you say come on daddy let's explore the house then major say's ok come on and then Ravi say's remind me why I am moving in with you and then Clive says oh good a house full of zombies In the woods and a none taken a little zombie then later on you were eating and then Peyton say's well I will cook some brains with something and then you sit on the back porch on the swing and then Clive say's hay little one come here time to eat and then you say come on uncle c let's go and then you sit next to the major and you start eating brain tacos and then you drink apple juice out of your sippy cup and then you run up the stairs and then dale say's have fun kiddo and then major walks into your room and you are sitting on your fuzzy rug playing with your toys and the major say's hay y/n sweetheart I need to say something to you little zombie I am so sorry that I have not been around a lot I am busy with being fg's ceo and I want to be here for you more so that means I get to drive you to and from school and then you say otay I sowwy i wove you and then liv say's OK y/n bed time and then the next morning Clive say's hay y/n you to get up for school and then you say OK go uncle before I throw something at your head and then he gets up off your bed and leaves then you get up and leave and walk down stair and walk over to the kitchen and you see a your mom making eggs with brains and you say mom can i have a plate of that and then major and then after you finish you grab your lunch box and pack two brain tubes and a sandwich with brains in it and then you grab a mini hot sauce and then you grab your water bottle and fill it with water and grab your shoes and put them on and then you grab your backpack and walk over to the garage and then you get into the Fillmore graves SUV and then you say come on dad and then liv yells Tory come on we have to go (brake's the forth wall)(oh sorry readers i did not tell you about my bad ass sister troy you was kidnapped and we met a when you was 13 i escaped nelson's control but the one thing nobody know except my sis i have powers but more about my sis she is a karate bad ass and she is also a zombie because she came home broken and then i scratched her and now she is one of the team z players )Tory runs in and get's into her car and then major says drive safe and then you zone off and then you hear your door open and your father says come on y/n you ready and then you get you and say really you had to make something out of today and then you say major you can go and then you hug him and whisper in his ear go dad and then you start walking over to your sisters car and say i really hate this way dad had to do that and then Tory says i know just tell dad that you will be riding with me for now on and then you get out of Tory's custom cobra kai BMW and then you start walking towards the building and you run into someone and then you say oh i am so sorry about that and you look up and see a girl with brown hair and brown eyes and you say i am so sorry i am clumsy and the girl says hay it's OK would you like to meet my friends and then you say OK and then you walk over with Bella and Bella says hay i wanted to introduce you guy to the newbie here i am sorry what is your name and you say my name is y/n and you are and then you see Tory walk behind you and you say this is my sister Tory and then Edward says well welcome to forks and you shake his hand and he stares at you and you say i can't read you for some reason and then Edward says same for you and then Bella takes your hand and her and Edward walk you to the office to get your slip's and you found out you were in every class with Edward and Bella and then at lunch you sat at the Cullen table and then later after school was over Edward says would you like to come over to our place and then you say OK and then you get into Edwards Volvo and then you sit in the back of there car and say wow your house is so big and you think out loud we practically are neighbors and then you walk into the Cullen home and take your shoes off and then you walk up the stairs and Edward says sit and Edward says what are you and you say fine you want to know what i am open my lunch box and find out and then you see Edward race down stairs and he comes back and then you say open it and then he see's a silver blank tube and Edward opens it and says your a zombie and you clap your hands and say i am a zombie but i won't hurt any human for brains and then Edward says little one look at me and you say no Dada wana and Edward says little one you have to lesson to me and mama and Tory stares at you and says you know they are a little and Edward says i am a daddy dom and Bella is a mommy dom and then a few months later your family stayed when the Cullen's left and then when you went with Tory and Alice and Bella to save Edward Tory met her mates the witch twins and then after that everything went back to normal.

You walked out of the car your mom was in and liv say's come on dad will be here soon and then later on you her another car pull up and you run down the stairs and major lilywhite and you run down the stairs and hug him and you say daddy I missed ...

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(what the major was wearing to drop y/n off at school)

(the car that major dropped y/n off at school off with)

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(the car that major dropped y/n off at school off with)

(the car that major dropped y/n off at school off with)

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Your house

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Your house

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