revenge forced little Royce & caregivers Rosalie and Emmett

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Royce woke up he saw bars all around him and he saw a big bear-like man walk in he says darling the baby is awake then Royce saw Rose and she says oh how's my little man does he need a change and Royce says What the fuck rose and Rosalie says ah no big boy talk and she smacks his thigh and no cursing.

and Emmett says you don't talk to your mommy that way you should be lucky that I don't turn you into a lifeless body but we came to an agreement that since she can't have a baby we are going to make the big bad Royce king our baby and then Royce see's a blonde headed man with honey eyes walk into the room and Rosalie says you got the shot now give it to him.

he looks at Carlisle and Carlisle says you have a healthy little boy now I need to give him a few shots then when Carlisle gave him his shots he was screaming and crying and cursing up as a storm and then once Carlisle was done giving Royce his shots.

and Rosalie says Emmett will you get me your belt so I can teach him his lesson to not use big boy talk we all know that he's a baby he only should be babbling and drooling on himself and Rosalie says we'll it not like he will get that far and two the poor baby can't walk or crawl yet.

And he needs to rely on his mommy and daddy to change his diaper because he can't use the potty yet for a long time and then there's a knock at the door and Rosalie walks away and answers it and she walks to the nursery.

And then a few days later Rosalie was in the room with Emmett and all of a sudden she hears cry's over the baby monitor she runs to little Royce's nursery and Rosalie picks Royce up and bounces him and she says shhh baby boy Mommy is here.

And Emmett says is he ok and Rosalie says he just needs a change then Emmett says we'll make sure to get him ready we're going to Bella and Edward's and he gets to meet little Jacob and little rename and then she dresses him in a tee shirt and cargos shorts with the snap on then to check his diaper.

Once there Bella and Edward were talking with Emmett and Rosalie and then Aro and Sulpicia walk in with their little Bella Alice and Jasper walked in with their little Stacie who is best friends with Bella and Royce was keeping to himself the whole play date but he soon found out that Emmett and Rosalie saved him from dying so he was great full and played baby for them to pay back for saving his life.

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