Little Edward x caregiver Carlisle x little Bella x caregiver aro

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when Edward caught the Spanish flu that year they started doing classification test to see are you a dom or a little or a master a or a pet or a sub or a mommy dom or a daddy dom and then Edward was laying down in his hospital bed when the classification person came and then they took some of his blood

and then they put it on paper and then after that the person put some special drops on it and then it turned baby blue and then the person gives Carlisle some special medicine to start his head space and

then later on Carlisle put the medicine in his iv and then a few days later Edward was dyeing and Carlisle bit Edward and took him back to his home and then he waited for Edward to wake up and then when he woke up Edward felt different and Carlisle say's hay Ed how are you and Edward say nom nom's and

Carlisle say's ah ok let's get you some food ok and then Edward says dada no wana go upies no wana outies sides and then Carlisle says babyboy if you don't want to go out I can bring you a baba and then Edward says wes dada and then after that Carlisle

comes into the room agin and then he gives Edward a bottle of animal blood and then years later when Carlisle went traveling to the volturi Edward met his mate /friend and then Bella say's papa no wana boy icky and then Edward say's no wike icky dirl and

then aro and Carlisle stare at each other and Marcus say's so how Are we going to get them together they are mates and then sulpicia walks in and say's bells nap time little one

And then after a few years later

Edward was sitting at a table in chem he sat there taping his hand on the desk and he see's her walk in and then he holds his nose and says why her again and then once the bell rang he ran off

And at lunch he ran out of the lunchroom and Bella saw Edward sitting in his car sucking on his thumb and she saw the dr's car pull in and Carlisle says hay buddy I know it has been a stressful day do you want to come home with me and then Edward looks at Bella agin

And Bella look to her blonde sister and brother and Jane says sits ok bells he's just having a hard time and when she went home she was throwing a full on tantrum because of Edward and aro say hay it's ok sweetheart let's not get sad over something like this ok

And a week later bella and Edward we're getting closer and one day aro and Carlisle had them both in little space together for a play date and they loved it

And a week later bella and Edward we're getting closer and one day aro and Carlisle had them both in little space together for a play date and they loved it

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