little y/n x caregivers Laurent and irina

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you are in your room reading when Carlisle came in your room to tell you that we are leaving tonight we are going to leave you with the Denali coven and you say OK and then Rosalie came in your room and helped pack it up and then she and Emmett pack your room up and you start walking down stairs and you bump into Edward and you say well i will miss you and i am sorry about what happened tonight and tell bells bye for me and then Edward hugs you and says

 thank you are the best little sibling i have and then you say rose do you have my backpack and then rose hands it to you and says you ready to go and you say can i say bye to the rest of the family and then you walk up to Carlisle and you hug him and the you hug esme and and esme and Carlisle says we will see you soon but for now go back to school and make some friends and just know we are a call away here  is your new phone it has all of our new numbers and then you

 hug them both again thank you mom and dad and then you walk over to Alice and jasper you hug them and then you say bye i will miss you all and then Rosalie says ready and you get into the car and say OK i am ready to go and then they start driving and then two day's later Rosalie say's OK were here and then you hopped out of the car and then when you woke up 

you saw snow all around you and Rosalie say's well we are almost here you ready to get up and stretch your legs and then a few hours later you saw a big house and the car stopped there and you say wow this is big and amazing and you see three blonds and and two guys and you felt a pull to two people a tall blonde lady and a man with dreads.

and then you start walking towards them and you say hello and then Laurent say's well seem's like we found our little one and then he pick's you up and irina say's be careful with our baby and then you see Emmett and Rosalie leave because they were going on another honeymoon but this time to Africa. 

irina say's laur lets take them inside i don't want our baby getting sick and you grab Laurent's hair and go to put it in your mouth but you get stopped because you were getting handed over to irina and you let out a whine and irina bounces you and say's shhh little one mama is going to make you a baba OK.

(a month later)

you loved your new mama and Dada when Emmett and Rosalie came to get you pulled a big fit and so much that irina and Laurent had to ask Carlisle that you could stay there and he said yes because he knows if Bella see's Laurent it cause trauma.

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