little Bella x caregiver Edward

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I have been dating Bella for a while now but I want to see her on Wednesday night to watch her sleep but I can't she doesn't want me there and the next day she shows up at school she is very tired.

And I wanted to find out so I sat in a tree watching Bella's room and I heard a childlike voice but I thought to myself it could not be my Bella and then is jumped to a closer tree and saw Charlie walk into her room and say ok baby look what papa has for you and Edward saw Charlie was holding a baby bottle of milk and then Charlie kissed Bella good night on the forehead and Edward as she fell asleep.

He went into her room and saw she was wearing a snap crotch onesie that had cactuses all over it and he saw something fluffy underneath it and saw it was a wet and used diaper and she had a pacifier attached to her onesie that she was sucking and he saw her holding a stuffed animal bat and he saw in the floor there were toys all over it and he Sits on the bed and moves a piece of hair out of Bella's face and he saw that there was a baby bottle filled with water on the other side of him on Bella's nightstand.

He thought to himself and took a picture of Bella like that and he saw that Bella dropped her stuffy bat. He tucked it in her arms and ran out the window towards the Cullen House and ran towards Carlisle's offices Carlisle says Son what do owe you company for. Edward says we need to have a family meeting right now it's about Bella and then every one of the Cullens went into the living room.

and Rosalie says what did the human do this time Edward says Bella has been lying to us about something and I think I found out why she never comes over on a Wednesday after school and why Charlie always drives her to school then and why she acts that day like she is glad to leave school and have Charlie pick her up well I went over there and I heard Charlie say hay there baby look what papa has for you and then he kissed Bella forehead good night and I had a very baby/child-like voice.

And Rosalie what did he have and Edward says he had a baby bottle filled with milk and then later on I went into her room I saw she was asleep I saw she was wearing a snap crotch onesie covered in cacti and I saw she was under it I saw she was wearing something fluffy underneath it and I saw she was wearing a wet and used diaper it's had building blocks on it that said baby all over it and she had a pacifier attached to the onesie and she was holding a stuffy bat and on the floor of her room had baby/kids toys and there was a baby bottle filled with water on her nightstand and then Rosalie says Edward are you telling the truth.

and Edward says yes I am I have proof he pulls out his phone and showed them the picture on his phone and Carlisle says I think I know what's going on I think Bella is an age regressor and as for the diaper it just depends on how young she is in little space what you're saying Bella is a baby regressor and then Edward says should I tell her I know and Esme says I have an idea how about we build a nursery and maybe a playroom and maybe a playground in the back yard and Edward says yes we should.

 the next day at school 

Bella saw Edward standing by his car and she walked over to him and he says can we talk they get into the car and Edward says I missed you but I want to tell you something Bella I went to see you yesterday night and I saw little you asleep and he pulls out his phone and Bella says I told you not to come but do you think I am a freak and Edward grabs Bella's chin and moves it so she is looking at him and Edward says Bella your not a freak ok baby look at me your not your my baby and he pulls out a teal sparkly pacifier with the Cullen crest and Bella took the pacifier and she says wait you want to be my cg and Edward says yes I want to be your daddy and Bella says I want that but can I have Rosalie be my mama and Edward says it up to her baby girl.

and then after school, Edward takes Bella over to his house Edward took her inside her nursery and she said tank ou dada I wove it Rosalie walks in and Bella runs at her jumping in her arms and says mama and made Rosalie cry From then on if Bella wanted she was her little self around the Cullens.

and then after school, Edward takes Bella over to his house Edward took her inside her nursery and she said tank ou dada I wove it Rosalie walks in and Bella runs at her jumping in her arms and says mama and made Rosalie cry From then on if Bella ...

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and yes this is a paci I made and this is a make up for last chapter your welcome

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