little Bella x caregivers Carlisle and esme

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Carlisle was sitting in his office and then he got a call that a high profile case was coming in that the person was Bella swan she was in a very bad accident a few years ago which left her with the mind of a child or what Carlisle thinks permanent age regression.

Carlisle walks into forks hospitals secure unit and then he swipes his badges and walks to room 114 and  swipes his badge on the reader and walks in the room and closes the door to see a asleep Bella sucking on her thumb and he starts feeling a pull to her in his chest.

And he walks over to her and see's she is holding a stuffed animal that is a a lion and a lamb and a bat and Carlisle say to him self I might as well sit here till she wakes up and a hour later he heard the something moving from Bella's direction and Carlisle walks over he see's Bella sitting up rubbing her eyes and Bella looks up at him and says Dada and Carlisle say no i am not your dad and he felt pain when he said that only means one thing she must be what is missing .

and then Bella looks at Carlisle babbling and he say's hi sweetheart and then he see's she was holding her hands up like she wanted to be held and Carlisle picks her up and he starts seeing bruises and cut's all over Bella and he thinks was she getting abused and he see's she is leaning into his touch and he says shhhh it's OK bells daddy is here and he won't let anything happen to you nether will mama.

and then a few hours later a nurse comes in the room and Carlisle says yes Natasha may i help you and then Natasha says yes i just wanted to let you know that chief swan said he can't takes care of Bella and then Carlisle say's tell charlie that me and my wife will take Bella full custody and then Bella throws her stuffed bat and Carlisle say's my little bells what am i going to do to you and then he felt his phone ring  and he answered it and he say's hello who am i specking to

 and then charlie say's Dr Cullen i guess you heard and Carlisle say you know my answer and Charlie say's Bella is too much to handle and she is too broken i know some things that you don't like Renee is a evil person she abuses Bella i went there on a unannounced visit i found Bella in the basement www-with a chain around her leg and Renee says that is where things like that monster belongs and i found she replaced Bella with another girl that looks like her named kristian and she tells everyone that Bella died.

and then charlie say's you may have her Dr Cullen i think she needs love and care and a family and Carlisle say's i won't disappoint you and then he hung up and called esme and esme say hello my love and Carlisle say's i need you to come down here we have a new child in our home so i want you to come here and meet our new daughter.

esme knocks at the door and then Carlisle opens the door and esme walks into the room and she says's who is this and Carlisle say's this is our new daughter Bella Cullen and then Bella starts crying and Carlisle walk over and picks Bella up and say's bells sweetheart look who's here say hi to mama and then esme say's is this true and Carlisle nods and esme say's can i ask what is wrong with her and Carlisle say's she has a permanent regressed in her brain and so now you and Rosalie have a baby now .

and then a few day's later Carlisle and esme were driving Carlisle's car home and once they pulled into the garage and then esme picks Bella up out of her car seat and carries her up the stairs and then Rosalie say's who is this and then Carlisle say's this is your new baby sister Bella yes she is what i think half human and half us .

and esme set's Bella down on the carpet and then esme puts some baby toy's around and Rosalie say's what are you doing with this human and Carlisle say's she is regressed in her mind is that of a baby because of a car accident and then Bella crawls over to Rosalie and Rosalie picks her up and esme say we have our coven little one.

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