little Edward x caregivers esme and Carlisle

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When Edward was dying of the Spanish flu he was already a little but he tried to hide it but Carlisle found out he took care of him in headspace

When he was sick and one day Carlisle brought him a teddy bear and Edward played with it and said to Carlisle tank ou dada and hugs him and CarlisleSays your welcome sweet boy dada has you and from that day on Carlisle was Edward's dada but he always told his dada that he wishes he could have a mama

And Carlisle told him soon and then when that day came he turned Edward and took off to his home and when Edward woke up he say's dada and Carlisle says hay eddy And Edward slips out of headspace and say's what happened to me and Carlisle says son your a vampire now I saved you because you're my little boy and I see you as a son

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖓

once they moved back to forks again Edward loved that he had two other little's in the family they was Rosalie and Emmett's little and Jasper and Alice's little one other Then that he felt like something was missing.

(That takes us to forks )
Esme was bouncing Edward around in her arms holding him because he was fussy and Carlisle walks down the stair and says no luck none yet and Carlisle hands esme a bottle of animal blood and he say's Edward are you going to be a good boy for mama today because I have to go to work and you have school

And then Alice and Jasper walk down the stairs carrying there little Stacie who was crying because she couldn't see her mate Felix because he's busy working for the volturi and then Alice say's Edward you ready to go sweetheart and esme hands Alice edwards diaper bag

(At school)

Edward could see the police chief car driving in and he see's a girl in the car in a car seat in the back and he could her Charlie say now Bella you promise daddy you will be a good girl and he see's Charlie walk over to where Jessica and Mike and Tyler and Angela and Eric were and he hands Angela Bella's diaper bag and backpack

When he was walking with the other littles that had chemistry today he sat in his spot and Bella sat next to him and he could smell her blood and he looked in her eyes and she froze and they both knew they were mates and Edward dragged Bella to sit with him and his siblings

And a few days later he invited Bella over for a play date And esme waved at Charlie who had his mate Garrett beside him since he was turned and a few hours into the play date bella got mad at Edward and she started to shake and he steam rise from her body and he yells mama and Bella's dad's and esme run in to the room only to see Bella shift into a wolf and esme grabs her phone and called Sam and Sam comes into the room and says hay Bella it's ok you don't have to be scared

All you need to do is think against becoming human again and esme hands Charlie Bella's diaper bag and Charlie redressed Bella and Edward looks at Sam and say is my mate oniog to be otay and Sam say's yes she will little one .

Bella and Edward sharing a crib together for there nap

This would be a text esme sent to Carlisle because that day Edward was being a clingy baby

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This would be a text esme sent to Carlisle because that day Edward was being a clingy baby

This would be a text esme sent to Carlisle because that day Edward was being a clingy baby

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Esme watching little Bella for a weekend because Charlie had to visit someone

Esme watching little Bella for a weekend because Charlie had to visit someone

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