little Emmett and Alice x caregivers Carlisle and esme

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When Rosalie and Edward and jasper moved on and found there mates esme felt the house was empty becouse her kids were always out and that all changed when esme's wish came true.

Everything was going normal and until she went to hunt and she found the wolf's growling at something and she ran over said Sam leave them there littles I will take care of them and they ran over to her and the wolf pack up and went and she said hello what are your names and the boy says I am emmett and that sissy Alice and esme says how old are you right now .

And emmett says me 4 and sissy 2 and esme picked up Alice and they went back to the house And she brought them us the empty nursery and she says would you like me to be your mommy and Alice said ess mama and emmett say's if sissy says it you new mama and esme gave them both a bath and she brought Alice a baby bottle filled with animal blood and she gave emmett and sippy cup animal blood  and they cuddled into her while they drank it .

Later on Carlisle came home and saw esme in the nursery and he says love who is this and esme says this is our littles Alice and emmett little ones can you wave at daddy and then Jasper walked into the room and Alice toddled over to him and wouldn't let him go and then emmett ran over and wouldn't let rosalie  go and esme says they found there favorite siblings and from then on esme had what she wanted two little vamps to take care of .

Hay everybody sorry this chapter is short and a bit rushed and sorry I have not updated in a while I have had writers block

Hay everybody sorry this chapter is short and a bit rushed and sorry I have not updated in a while I have had writers block

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