Caregivers volturi x winterwidow y/n

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You were on a mission for dreykov to find a better location to move the red room so he decided that he would send you your powers to another universe to scope out that universe and see how it worked

So then when you let get his office you went into the portal and when you stepped out you had a code red that meant you were turning into 014 and you followed a short woman and you hid behind her and then when she moved everyone in the room gasped

at what you were wearing and then aro say's my dear welcome to the volturi and then you say enough 014 is not pleased with you dumb humans and then Alex went to grab you and you felt your self start to turn green and then you growl and aro say's remarkable this human can turn into a mindless green beast

And then you say ah I am so offended I am not just a hulk and a winter soldier I am also 014 I have chaos magic and I a can make you see or not see what I choose illusions and then Marcus say's aro may I show you aro holds Marcus hand and say you 014 sit on the steps now

and then aro holds caius hand and caius say's ok wow we finally found them and then aro let's Bella and Edward and Alice go then after that aro pulls you into his lap and say's you will love your new life here and then everything went black and you heard screaming

And when you woke up you saw bars all around you and then you heard the door open and you saw a blonde man with honey colored eyes and he say shh baby daddy has got you and then aro step's into the room

And aro say's Carlisle darling how did they take there medicine today and then after that aro pick's you up and carry's you to the kitchen and say's Marcus your turn Feed the baby

And then Jane say's masters let's not fight and then Jane say's sweet baby who do you want to feed you and you say mama and Carlisle walks over and him and aro feed you

After a few years dreykov never heard back from you so he sent went after you him self with taskmaster looking for you and when he and his widow's landed out of the Portal in the woods and he followed the tracker that was in your leg and then they walk to a castle

And he walks to a big room to be met with a you and a hole bunch of red eyes and dreykov orders the taskmaster to grab you and as soon as she stepped near you she fell to the ground in pain and Jane say's no one hurts my baby and then demetri grabs dreykov say;s my own 2 born child betray me for these things i always knew that they were going to fail and get killed i would have done the job my self if not for Natasha romanoff and bucky Barnes y/n's real mother and father

and then caius gets up off his thrown and runs towards dreykov and pulls him by his neck till he heard a snap and then Natasha throws red filled vials and you see a man with a metal arm and Natasha and bucky walk over to you and bucky picks you up and say's daddy's so sorry baby he did not want them to take you from your mother but i could not do anything

and then Natasha say's mama is so sorry i never gave up on you and now you can comer home  and have a family and you say mama i can't leave my other mama's and Dada's here they treat me well and i now am immortal i am a vampire and i would like to turn you and after that Natasha and bucky went back into there world as vampire's and you and the volturi visited them ever weekend and when ever they need help.

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