forced little y/n volturi x caregivers Stefan and Vladimir

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one day your fathers let you go on a solo mission to see the Cullen clan and on the way there you felt some vampire grab you and then you look up and see there was a needle in your neck and you hear a Romanian and then you fall into a deep sleep and then when you woke up you were some where dark

and you tried moving and then you tried to use your powers to look around and all at that point you were crying and then you heard a door open and close and then you heard a light going on and then you saw

two men walk towards you and Vladimir says well did your scum parents send you to spy on us and then you say no i was going for a social visit with the Cullen's and Stefan says well your no longer a prince/princess you are now our human wittle baby you will eat ,sleep and potty like a baby and then you

say what the fuck does that mean and then Vladimir says you don't talk to your daddy and Dada that way and then you say you know my fathers told me to call them and then Stefan says that's broken into a million part's and then you say you know i am not going to be your baby and that's the end of story

And Vladimir says we'll not it's no the end of this story and then you feel something hit you very hard and then when you woke up you started crying and then you say dada,papa and Stefan say well look who's up hi princess/prince

A few weeks later they fought against the volturi but kept you hidden and you loved you did not have to follow orders or kill anyone you were with your two dada's and loved it

A few weeks later they fought against the volturi but kept you hidden and you loved you did not have to follow orders or kill anyone you were with your two dada's and loved it

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Look I now have every cullen crest it was a birthday present

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