Wrong universe forced little Taylor and Robert and Kristin x dark Cullen's

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Taylor and Robert and Kristin were filming in the on-set Cullen house when all of the cast took lunch Robert and Kristin and Taylor eat lunch on the now-empty set and that is when all of a sudden they all felt like they were very tired and then when all of them woke up

Robert looks around and see's the Cullen house but it was not a set and then Kristin woke up and shakes Taylor awake and they walk around the home until they sit on the couch and they see Ashley in Alice and Jackson in Jasper

And Taylor says Ashley, Jackson hay do you know what happened and then Alice say you silly little ones were not who you say we are I am Alice all of your momma's and this is Jasper all of your daddy

And Robert says ok haha funny prank stop fucking around with us and then Taylor nods to Kristin and she takes off running in the woods all of a sudden they all see Kellan and Nikki using vampire speed Kellan has kicking and screaming Kristin

And then Elizabeth and Peter use vampier speed and follow the sound and then Emmett says stop little one or else and Rosalie says oh Edward and Bella are going to love that we found our babies since Nessie is going to college

And Robert says you all are sick now let us go the prank is over your just actors playing made-up vampires then Carlisle grabs Robert's face says you know what I thought we would go Easy on you all but not

Now we are going to do the not-so-natural way you all earned forced regression hahaha you thought we were going to take it easy on you it was always going to be forced regression

And then Jasper says give us your phones now or else they all hand their phones over to Jasper and Alice pulls their mic packs off of them and destroys them and their phones

Then they all feel pricks in their neck we can't have our little ones leave us now will we night when you wake up you will be our perfect babies and then once they cullen's got back to their home they carried all the baby's into Carlisle's office

And then after that when they all woke up they looked around and saw they were strapped to hospital beds in onesies and diapers with pacifiers dangling from their straps

And then they see Carlisle come back in with stuff to do iv's on them and Carlisle says oh girls there awake Alice sat beside Taylor and Esme sat beside Robert and Rosalie sat beside Kristin and then Carlisle hooks them up and says well once that bag is done they will regress

After a few hours later Kristin look's at Carlisle and says's dada and starts babbling and drooling Rosalie takes off her straps and then Carlisle picks her us and holds her and says you are a cutie sweetheart and hands her to Rosalie she walks out of his office into the living room

And then after her Taylor regressed and starts crying and Alice says Hay it's ok you must be hungry then Carlisle takes the straps off of him and Alice picks him up and takes him to the kitchen and puts him into a high chair and grabs some baby food and starts feeding him

And the last one to regress was Robert and he pulls Esme's top and Carlisle says I am going to leave the iv cannulas in them just so I can give them some sleeping meds and some more stuff to make them rely on us there ours, not no one's

And then a few days later Bella and Edward pull into the garage and walk up the stair only to hear Robert Cullen you better not pull on your baby sister's hair again or else you will be over all of our knees getting a red bottom you got that young man

And then once they walked into the living room they saw two people that looked like them Jake and Edward said what's going on here and Carlisle says letting our coven little ones play before lunch

Bella oh so there all of our littles and Alice say we weren't expecting you to come back this early we wanted to surprise you with our little ones since we know your missing Nessie Bella and Edward says This is the best gift in the world thank you

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