forced little y/n x caregivers Victoria and James

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one day you were walking in the woods to clear your head and to find a spot to spend the night because and your sister were the only ones in the house and that is when you saw a red head girl and she looks at you and you see a blonde man with long hair and you look to where they were standing and then you felt your self get picked up and then you looked up and saw the red head and she says hello baby mama and Dada are here now no more adult thin g and thoughts and you say

what the fuck let me go and then you feel something go in your ears and you see someone and then you feel your brain go soft and it felt like was locked in and you go to speak but you head babbles and letters come out of your mouth and then you feel your self fall and then you hear that was easy now we have our mate just the way we want then.

(a few days later)

you woke up and saw that lady again and you hear James our little mate is awake and then you pout at them and Victoria says we have a grumpy baby on our hands and then you see another pale male run into the room and he says mommy is that my new baby sibling and you hear them say yes Riley.

and then you feel someone pick you up and they carry you over to the rocking chair and you say eave me's wone no wana be baby and Victoria says shhh sweetheart let the adults speak and she shoves a pacifier in your mouth.

And James says oh they won't find you ever I made it look like all that is left is a pile of clothes covered in blood so don't think your escaping any time soon it going to be the same story with the Cullen's and your sister .

Since we vampires can't have kids we take teens and adults and make them our babies and the kings don't mind at all if it keeps us in peace then so be it .

(A few weeks later)
Come to mama y/n we have to go my little vamps we have a playdate with the Cullen's soon and then James grabs Riley and puts him in his car seat and Victoria Carrie's you to there jeep and buckles you I and then on the car ride there you fell asleep and when you woke up Victoria was holding you walking into the Cullen home.

And Victoria says oh my youngest little just woke up from there nap and she set's you down on the ground and Bella crawls over to you and tackles you into a big hug and it was then you and Bella realized that this is what you both need because they basically raised them selfs .

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