little Bella x caregivers Emmett and Rosalie

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When Edward met Bella and he brought her to the Cullen home and Rosalie only kept up the act that she did not like Bella but she just saw a baby because her adopted twin daughters left and found there mates and imprint Stacie who was a little was mated to caius son Peter and she has a parental bond with the three kings and the top elite guards and Mimi she was busy with Jake and her mommy and daddy Sam and Emily she was also a little so Rosalie was feeling empty that she does not have a baby to take care of and after Jasper almost attacked Bella Edward and the rest of the Cullen left expect Rosalie and Emmett and when she jumped off a cliff Rosalie went In after Bella and carried her back to the Cullen home she changed Bella out of her clothes and put her in the nursery she made in the house and placed her in her crib and cuffs her arms and legs to bars so she would not climb out if the crib and she gave Bella a muscle relaxer so she would have to depend on her mama and Dada and Emmett puts the pacifier in Bella's mouth and they walk out of the nursery and gently closes the door and when Bella woke up and she say's what the fuck where am I an when she goes to scream her scream is muffled and she tries to move around and she can't and she looks at her outfit say's what the fuck a thick diaper and a onesie that said mama and Dada's little immortal and then she moves her head to look around and she sees bars all around her and she see's baby's wall paper all around and she saw a toy box and a changing table and a rocking chair and she saw the windows and she say's what why who ever kidnapped me is hiding in the old Cullen home hopefully it's not Victoria or the volturi and then Bella screams help please but she heard hewp pwease and then she saw someone open the door and she braced her self to be hurt by the person who did this to her but she saw Rosalie and Emmett and she looked and felt relief when she saw them and then Emmett um clipped Bella's pacifier and then Bella says what the fuck how did I get here and Emmett undoes the restraints on Bella's legs and arms and Bella try's to stand and fall's and Emmett say's babygirl don't do that your to young to stand mama would get mad at me if you got hurt and then Bella says what has gotten into you Emmett and Emmett say's shhh babygirl no more fussing he bounces Bella on his hip as he is walking down the stairs and Emmett says hun someone is being a fussy baby and Rosalie walks out of the kitchen and Bella says bae give me my baby now or no adult time later and Emmett pout's at Rosalie and then he hands Rosalie Bella and Bella says what the hell is going on with you both and Rosalie say's nothing is going on with us baby you have nothing to worry about mama and Dada are here to protect you and take care of your every need and then Bella say's have you both gone officially the deep end and Emmett say's no but Rosalie cuts into what he was saying you know we had our eye on you babygirl and Edward was not your mate he was just using you for your blood and Bella say's who is my true mate and Rosalie and Emmett say us and then Bella's eyes go wide and Emmett say's you now have to lesson to me and mama and follow our rules or else we are going to give you a shot to make you our baby permanently and you don't want that and Bella say's it's weird and why can't I move and Rosalie well that is going to happen a lot when you come here it's just mussel relaxer and some thing to relax your little control to go to the bathroom so you fully under mommy and daddy's control and if you tell or try to run no more walking and or talking and then Bella say's what do I call you then and Emmett and Rosalie look at each other and Rosalie say's you call me mama and Emmett Dada got that baby brain and I never considered you a teen or adult your just a baby and Edward's real mate is Victoria and then Bella cries into Rosalie's chest and Emmett grabs a shot and Rosalie holds her head there so Emmett can inject her with her head space starters and then Rosalie says hay babygirl how do you feel and then Bella say starts slurring her words i ine mama and Rosalie says good to hear that babygirl you hungry for something to eat and Bella claps her hands and kicks her feet out and smiles and then Emmett takes Bella from Rosalie's arms and Rosalie says oh do i have a happy baby and then Emmett put Bella in her highchair and he put the tray on and then he buckles her in and then Rosalie walks over and then she walks over with a soft baby plate for Bella and then she sets it down and then she puts to plates down for her self and her husband and then Emmett sits down and Rosalie sits and she holds a spoon up to Bella's mouth and says here comes the little bat and then after Bella eats Rosalie says oh some one is getting sleepy and Emmett take Bella's highchair tray off and Rosalie unbuckles Bella from her highchair and carries her back up stairs to her nursery and sits on the rocking chair and she undoes her top and Bella latches on Rosalie's breast and starts suckling and then 50 min later Bella was asleep and then later on in the month the rest of the Cullen's moved back and they all loved baby Bella but Edward never came back the only time she saw him was at the volturi ball and Bella also meet Stacie and Mimi and they loved each other like siblings.

ps mimi is @MiaAriaPatterson

my twin sis

my twin sis

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