forced little y/n x caregivers dark Cullen's

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you sat on your bed watching Twilight it's your favourite movie series and as you got up to put in the first disk of Twilight you held your Volturi crest and looked at your wrist and saw Edward's Cullen crest and thought what would it be like if you were in twilight and went back to lay down on your bed.

and you lay down on it and as you were watching the main part you all of a sudden fell asleep and when you woke up you heard voices all around you and you open your eyes and look around until you see what you thought was that you're in the Cullen home.

to be exact Carlisle's medical room in the house and you heard voices coming closer to you and then you saw there before you were the entire Cullen family and you start talking to yourself and say no this can't be real this place and people are fiction just actors and you see Carlisle walk over to you and he says hello I am.

but you cut him off and say I know who you all are your Dr Carlisle Cullen and that standing behind you is your mate and wife Esme Anne Platt Evenson Cullen you died because you jumped off of a cliff because you lost your child and Carlisle turned you and your Edward Anthony mason Cullen you were killed by Spanish influenza only to become the first of the Olympic coven.

 and you your Rosalie Lillian Hale you died, because you were gang rapped by you Royce king and his friends and Carlisle, turned you because he could smell your blood and your Emmett McCarty Cullen you died of the of you were attacked by a bear and Rosalie found him and asked Carlisle to change him and your Mary Alice branndon Cullen you were turned by an unnamed vampire that worked at the mental asylum you were at and finial we have jasper whitlock hale you were turned by maria and she used you for your gift.

and there is going to be one more but she is not here yet Bella swan future blood singer of Edward and mother to their daughter Nessie a half vampire and half human and then Carlisle says how do you know about us we found you in the middle of the forest no id on nothing but a black suit covered in blood with this and he holds your wrist out and you see a Syntec tattoo and below it was a 014 and then you say no this is like a Wattpad fan fiction come true gone wrong.

then Carlisle does an exam on you and when he got close you growl and you thrash around and then you see Emmett grab your arms and you look at your hands and see what looked like Wanda's powers and then Carlisle says well since you don't have any identification on you so here is what is am going to do.

and then you saw Carlisle walk over to a draw and pull out a syringe filled with a clear and one with a white liquid and he holds it near your left hand and you look down and see an iv in it and Carlisle says I'm so sorry little y/n we can let you go so now your a Cullen to be specific you are going to be the Cullen family baby and he nods at Emmett and he holds you tighter.

and then you look up at the sky and say well shit why did I have to get stuck in this universe as the dark Cullen's does that mean the volturi's good and then you feel sleepy and then you feel a burning go through your body and then after that Carlisle says shhh baby it's going to be OK.

and when you woke up you saw bar's all around you and then you went to move but you could not then you went to talk but all that came out was babbles and you felt yourself cry and then you heard a door open and you saw Esme and she says shhh it's OK baby mommy is here and then Esme pulls down the crib bar's and then she picks you up and says see all better you just wanted mommy here to hold you and she carries you downstairs.

and then she sets you down on a water play mat and then you see Carlisle holding a folder and he says it's done I made them a fake one so if you ever have to take y/n to the hospital the Dr finds this file and after that first year of you being like this you thought that it's not so bad and they were not as dark as you think and you even met the Volturi and you met Bella and even she loves you as little baby y/n.

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