little autistic pup y/n and caregivers Jacob and Riley

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one day y/n felt like they were very sick and hot and you ran out of the house into the woods of la push and you shifted into a wolf and you looked around and saw you had paws for feet and you heard the trees Russel around and  move and you saw a big wolf in front of you and you coward back and lied your hold body down and whined and cried and then Jacob says well OK hay hay stop freaking out your OK i am Jacob i am the pack leader here and this i Leah she is my number two in command we won't hurt you your OK and then you ran the other way and you ran off into the woods by the swan home and you saw a pale man and he says hello little pup and you feel your self turn back and you look down and you see your naked and you hid behind a tree and you started nerves stims and start sucking on your thumb and Riley walks over to you and says hay its OK baby boy i won't hurt you i you are my mate i need you to calm down and he picks you up and hold you and he hands you some spare clothes but you say Dada put on me's and then Riley says OK little pup and then after he dresses you walk back to your home and you see the same man and women as before and you start nerviness stims and you say i sowry and Jacob says shhh little pup it's OK you stare at him and see something flash before your life and Jacob says hay it's OK and you make grabby hands and Jacob picks you up and Leah says he is so cute and you hand Leah the keys and you say wive ere and Leah open's the door and Jacob says wow it's big we could make this the pack meeting spot and like Emily and Sam's place they could crash here if they want and then you say nos sensory room mines and Leah says yes that is that is yours little pup and Sam knocks on the door and says well i want to meet the new other pack member and Jacob says well y/n is more then that would you like to meet them and then Sam walks through the door and he says oh would you look at them Emily would love to babysit them because you know that Seth my like them to have a little puppy friend and another autistic pup and then Emily comes in holding Seth and Seth says friwend and Leah says sethy if y/n want's to and then you wiggle out of Jacob's arms and you hold out your hand and Emily set's Seth down and you say friwend and then you both run up to your sensory room and you both play for 4 hours and then Emily says dinner and then you and Seth run down the stairs and then Jacob picks you up and put's you in a high chair and then Sam says i smell a leach and Jacob says y/n baby boy have you been near a vampire and you say no papa and Jacob put's his finger under your chin and he says don't lie and then Paul says there's a leach out side out and then Jacob says let's go out side and he picks you up and carries you outside and Riley says little pup who is that and Jacob stares at Riley and then they stare at you and you start to feel your head space come out more and you say i nees and then you start to babble words out and then you start to fall and Riley holds you and your head start to become heavy and then Jacob says someone slipped into head space and then you start crying and then Jacob says OK well shhh hay look at papa it's ok and then Sam say make him leave and then Emily say's I think y/n slipped into head space so let his two caregivers care for him and from that night on y/n loved his caregivers and Riley left Victoria and took Bree with him and Rosalie and emmett had little Bree she had the same thing as y/n and Seth and they treaty was no longer a thing because you and Seth would have play dates over at the cullen's and the cullen's come over to your house and from then on it was smooth sailing from then on.

one day y/n felt like they were very sick and hot and you ran out of the house into the woods of la push and you shifted into a wolf and you looked around and saw you had paws for feet and you heard the trees Russel around and  move and you saw a ...

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