Little y/n x caregivers Edward and bella and Cedric and cho

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You and draco were siblings you were the younger one but it seemed that your parents cared more about draco then you but they still gave you a place to live and food to eat and then you when you went

to hogwarts you were lonely you were friends with hermione and one winter you stayed with her and

she introduced you to age regression and she knew you suffered long enough and she protected you and she and Ron and Harry took care of you when you

slipped and then one day in class you slipped in head space and then you ran out and left your Slytherin robes there and Cedric and Cho ended up finding you and

Cedric say's hay y/n I have your robes and he sit's on the ground and pulls you into his lap and he starts rocking you and you say weve mes wone no wana meanies here's and you start sucking your thumb

and say papa I no wike bubba and Cedric says oh well how about we go to my room I get you own because I am a prefect and you say otay and start

running and Cedric run's after you and picks you up and Carrie's you into his dorm and then after a month later you and Cedric go into the try wizard and after that

You and Cedric and Cho left hogwarts and the uk all together and went to the us and went to a place called fork's Washington after going to New York to mocusa to get there permits to use magic

And then after that they found a nice house in the woods so that they can do magic easily and they enrolled into muggle /non mag school

And on Monday Cedric dressed in a white dress shirt and his Hufflepuff tie and sweater well cho was wearing jeans and a black shirt and you were wearing a purple shirt and black jeans

And when Cedric got out of his muggle car his green jeep and opens Cho's door and then Cedric opens the back door and picks you up and sets you and the ground

And then he holds Cho's and your hands and you more so walk behind him because you were scared and it was like the hole school was staring at you all and then when it was lunch

You sat at a table and you cuddled into Cedric and Cho because you were still being looked at left and right and then you see a girl come over and she says Edward your back

And you roll your eyes at her and Cedric says I'm sorry I don't know who you are and Bella says Edward Cullen you stop this act right now

And Cedric says I am truly sorry but I just transferred here and Bella says may we take a walk and Cedric walks into the woods with Bella

And Bella says well why all of a sudden your with some other girl and that other person and you're acting like you don't know me Edward I am your mate the love of your life the love of your immortal life

And your voice and your eyes what happened to them and Cedric say's because I am not the man who you talk of my name is Cedric Diggory I am a new student from the uk and I am happily in a relationship with my girlfriend cho and our little one y/n

And y/n says mama and hugs bella and Cedric say's oh I think that your my mate as well and there's and Cho's and Bella say's but I am also Edward mate

And Cedric say's let me guess your a cold one's mate and then after school you were worried about Bella so you hopped into her truck and you saw a small vampire waiting in her home and you pull out your wand and point it at her and Cedric say who are you and Alice looks at Cedric with a confused face and that is when Bella walks in and Alice says why do you have a witch and wizard in your house

And then Bella says there my other mates and then you and Cedric went to Italy with Bella to save your last mate because you were powerful to say and then when you got there Edward pulls you into a hug and Cedric walks over and say's hello other mate and when you were in the thrown room and demetri and Felix you let your powers out and yell no one hurts my mates

And when you all came back happy and you all got turned like Bella and nessie love you too .

And when you all came back happy and you all got turned like Bella and nessie love you too

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The jeep Cedric drives

The jeep Cedric drives

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The house

Hay my lovely little vamps I am sorry about updating the book slowly I have been busy with Covid and I have other books to update so sorry about the slow updates and I have updated three books today yay.

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