Little y/n x caregivers Bella and Carlisle

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it all started when Carlisle turned his mate Bella and married her then when Esme went to her mate Charlie and Edward went with his true mate Victoria and then when Bella and Carlisle would walk around town and see all the humans out with their baby and when they got home Carlisle says what is it my rosebud what is it your thinking and Bella says bae I now feel like Rosalie I want a baby and Carlisle says I know and Bella says I want a forever baby I was reading about this thing some people do call age regression they age down in their mind and Carlisle says I don't know my love.

and then Bella says I don't want anybody I want to look for them forever and Carlisle says so you basically want to kidnap some human Bella says how about someone that has no one and Carlisle says OK my love I just have to tell the Volturi what we plan on doing and then later on Carlisle says rosebud they said it's OK a few day's later Bella was teaching science class she kept looking at you and you just thought it's because of your iep and when class was ending Bella says y/n can you please stay after class to talk to me and then you say OK.

and well everyone else was leaving to get home you stood by Mrs Cullen and Bella say would you like something to drink and then after you drank your soda you felt tired and then you feel someone come up to you and then you felt your adult self locked in your mind and Bella say's OK hypnotizing my baby done and now illusion so no one suspects a thing and Bella carries you to the car and put's you in a rear-facing car seat and get in and drove away and she saw you fall asleep in the car and then once at the house Bella took all your big people clothes and burned them and she changed you into a diaper and onesie and put a pacifier in your mouth and she turns on the baby Monitor and kisses you on the forehead and leave's the room closing the door to your nursery.

and then later on when you woke up and started panicking and crying and then you heard the door open and you saw a pretty blonde girl and she says Mom the baby needs a change Bella run's up the stairs and Bella says thank you, Rosalie and Bella, takes you from her and put you on the changing table and says what is mommy going to do with a messy baby ha then she finished changing you but leaves no diaper on you and then Carlisle walks in from work and say my love I'm home and Bella says in the nursery and Carlisle run's up there and hug's Bella and kisses her and Bella says do you have the things I asked for and Carlisle says right here my dear and Carlisle puts gloves on and you smell rubbing alcohol and your baby self starts crying and Bella says shhh look what mama has for you and then you fell something sharp go into your bottom and you start crying and Bella say's it's ok my little star shhh.

and you felt five more go in and Carlisle says all done and Bella puts a diaper on you and Carlisle holds you bouncing you on his hip to calm down and he says I know daddy was cruel to do that to you but Mama and I have waited a long time to have a baby and mama can't really have one because we're vampires but we don't drink human blood we drink animal blood and you start playing with his hair and Carlisle says look a baby look what daddy has and he hands you teething key's and you start shaking them and Carlisle says ok let's get you some nom's and he carries you down the stairs and walks to the kitchen and puts you in a high chair and you start crying.

and Carlisle says no you can't come out you have to sit there it's your seat little one you're too small to sit by your self and Bella yells kids dinner and you see a guy who looks like he's in pain and a pixie-like girl and they walk up to you and Alice say mom they are so cute and jasper says oh they are so cute but they feel hungry and confused and Bella says I know why it's because we're eating and then Rosalie and Emmett come down the stairs holding Stacie there little one and Emmett says jasper here's your little one and Alice walks over and puts Bucky in his high chair and Rosalie puts Stacie in a high chair.

and Victoria and Edward come down with their little James and put him in a high chair and then Esme and Charlie come in with their little Steve and put him in a high chair and then after you were force feed real food and baby food Bella say bae I'm going to feed the little star some milk and then she carries you up the stair to your nursery and she sits on the rocking chair and undoes her shirt and bra and then the baby you starts sucking and you felt something you have not or never felt were you were loved and wanted.

and you loved the way Bella's milk tasted and then you fell asleep and when you woke up crying Carlisle comes in and say's shhh ok daddy's going to change you and Carlisle pick's you up and put you on the changing table and he makes quick work of changing you and he sits in the rocking chair rocking you back to sleep and then a few weeks later the three kings met you and you mated with them and you also became there baby and your older self gradually went away and baby you took over more and then permanently.

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