little Bella x caregivers Edward and Jacob

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(Edward:bells babygirl no thumb or fingers in your mouth )(Bella:grabs Edwards finger put it in her mouth)(Jacob: darling you were always the pushover i told you should have brought her pacifier and or teething ring)

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(Edward:bells babygirl no thumb or fingers in your mouth )(Bella:grabs Edwards finger put it in her mouth)(Jacob: darling you were always the pushover i told you should have brought her pacifier and or teething ring)

Bella had a Secret she never told anyone not even the school or Jacob know about it that she has a little space only Charlie and Renee knows because if they ever told anyone Bella said she would go back to her depressed state and one day Edward saw Charlie carrying Bella to bed and he saw her holding a teddy bear and she had something in her mouth and then he heard Charlie say ok baby girl you ready for night night when you wake up it will be a new day and then he heard Bella speak higher and what sounded like she was younger daddy I des otay wana baba and Charlie says ok bells I have your bottle and then he moved in a tree closer and saw she was in a onesie that said daddy's little angel on it and he thought what is going on because he usually never comes around on these days and then he heard Bella says ni ni daddy and he see's Charlie kiss Bella on the forehead and then he leaves the room and Edward climbs through the window and now he see's she was sucking on a pacifier and he climbs in the bed next to her and pulls her close and later on Bella wakes up in headspace and she saw Edward and Bella says what are you doing here and Edward says I was checking on you and then Bella says no you could not wait till tomorrow at school to see me and Edward says I want to know what you are doing and Bella start crying and she says otay you oughts me I's a wittle I have a head space my mind goes younger and then Edward says why did you not tell me and Bella says oh well it's because I was scared to tell you because you would have judged me I have had a hard time a long time ago before you I was tested for my classification I was a lone I hated my self for it was so bad that I tried you know hurting my self so my parents brought me to this therapist Kate doom she helped me with medicine and she recommended for me and once I tried it I have not had a bad thought but I am classified as a little on my classification test not even the school knows not even Jacob and Edward says hay bells look at me I love you could have told me that and I would have loved you equally and then Bella says Eddie tan ou ea mys dada and Edward says it's ok baby girl and Bella cuddles into Edward and Edward says baby girl you should be getting to sleep and then Bella makes whining sounds and she reaches at the bottle and Edward picks up the bottle and holds it for Bella and then when she falls asleep he put her pacifier in her mouth and later on he left and then he ran back to the Cullen home and Rosalie was rocking her little one mimi and she says you have a smile on your face what is that about and then Jasper says Stacie said it's because Bella is a little and he is now her daddy and then Edward says fine it's true and then later on that day Edward picks Bella up for school and Jacob is standing there and Edward walks over with Bella and then Bella hopped on Jacob bike and then later on when Bella was walking by the lake with Jacob she started to slip into her head space and Bella sat down and started playing with the dirt and Jacob looked in her eyes and saw she was his imprint but it was him her and Edward the leach and then Jacob sits next to Bella and he says why did you not tell me about your head space pup and then Bella says I was scared that everyone would treat me different and I don't want to be everyone's worry and then Bella says jaja bes my papa nows and Jacob says yes I am your papa now and then he drove Bella home and  Edward says really I have to share my baby girl with you and then Charlie says hay hay what's going on out here and Bella says they know about my you know so now there fighting over me and then Charlie says ok let's take this inside and he says ok you both are my little girls caregivers end of fight and Bella says mores wike papa ands dada and then Edward carry's bella up to her room and he changes her into a diaper and a onesie that said daddy's wittle vampire and she played till dinner and then after that Jacob tucked her into bed and left then a few months later Bella let everyone know she was little and she felt like she no longer had to hide it and she even had some of her friends jealous because she had two handsome and beautiful daddy's that cared and loved her and that she was spoiled because she had a nursery in the Cullen home and in the rez and she had so many people that cared for her .

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