forced little Edward and Bella x caregivers Carlisle & esme &charlie &Victoria

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the bowtie around Edwards's neck does all but suffocate him as he stands in the entryway. he's not sure why his father insisted he gets dressed up. after all, Carlisle has dated several women since Edward was placed with him. Carlisle had been friends with the Masen family for years, Edward sr. worked alongside him at their private practice. sadly, both Edward Sr. and Elizabeth passed away by the time their son was three. Carlisle was single at the time but agreed to take in little Edward and raised him on his own for the past 13 years. it was nice, his dad tended to give him space. he had met a few of the women his father had dated, but none really stuck. Edward could always tell when a woman wasn't right and had a sneaking suspicion this one would be no different after all, Esme didn't seem to have a lot going for her. a widower with no job, pretty much spells out gold digger to Edward.

and yet, his father had laid out a collared shirt and slacks, so Edward obediently got dressed. Carlisle didn't expect much of him, excused some substandard grades and give his son a big allowance to spend as he wished. Edward would throw him a bone there.

the doorbell rang and Carlisle burst past his son to open it. on the other side stood a tall woman with wavy brown hair and nearly golden eyes. A warm smile spreads across her face when she looks at Carlisle before kissing him. Edward rolls his eyes, gaining composure just as they pull away.

this is Edward.

esme 's smile grows so wide, Edward worries it'll brake off her face. hello Edward, esme coos as if he's six, not sixteen. I'm Esme.

Edward extends his hand. it's nice to...''

Esme doesn't waste time pulling him into a tight hug. his face involuntarily squishes against her breast, forcing him to inhale her disgusting perfume. Edward struggles against her, but she clings on. Edward tries to peer over her string arms to his dad for help, but Carlisle is just watching it all with a smile.

eventually, she pulls off and cradles Edward's face in his hands. you are just so much more adorable in person, she coos, squeezing his left cheek.

Edward turn's bright red. um, thank you, he manages to get out as she starts to pinch the right.

oh, Carlisle, you didn't tell me how precious he was look at him, dressed up like a little man.

I am a man, Edward grumbles, but that all goes ignored.

I bet that little tushy is just as cute. Esme gives his face a brake, before pinching his bottom. Edward jumps. covering himself. Esme and Carlisle just laugh. oh, you're a shy little thing.

Edwards has always been very shy, haven't you Carlisle ruffles his hair.

Edward looks between the two, perplexed. why are they acting like he's a kindergartner he opens his mouth to talk, only to be interrupted by Esme.

(in the swan house )

Bella was getting ready to meet her dad's new girlfriend she has seen many of them come and go she was thinking until she heard her father yell bell can you come down here please and she saw a woman with fiery red curly hair.

Charlie says Victoria this is Bella and Bella says hello and Victoria say oh she is so cute did you let your daddy help you get dressed up for me tonight then Bella looks at Charlie for help but he does not pay any mind to anything.

Victoria then picks Bella up and holds her head near her breast Bella had the most uncomfortable face on and Victoria rubs Bella's head and says Charlie you never told me she is the cutest little baby girl ever.

At dinner, Bella was fed In Victoria's lap and Edward was fed Esme's lap Bella and Edward thought to themselves that it wouldn't get any worse than that but boy were they wrong.

(A few months later )

Bella and Edward were completely different they were only allowed to be big at school but they still dressed childlike at school.

Bella walked into the office and got her schedule and her day went pretty normal till she saw him in biology she sat next to him and he sees her clothes and says you.

Me we're the same and Bella nods Edward says let me guess your dad's girlfriend and Bella says yea but now I have to call her mommy.

From that moment on Edward and Bella know that they were soulmates and Edward says do you want to eat lunch with me Bella says sure and Edward says Bella I feel like I know that we're soulmates.

Bella says yes feel it she kisses him and Edward says secret love boyfriend and girlfriend Bella nods and then the lunch bell rang and they walked down to the lunch room holding hands.

Edward says so have any siblings and Bella says no I don't she and Edward say I have none and then they sit with their childish lunch boxes Edward's friends walk over and sit and Emmett says so who is she Edward says, my girlfriend.

And Emmett looks over at his girlfriend who was talking with Jasper her brother and Alice says we'll welcome you to the family and then after school.

Edward and Bella both saw their mothers drive into the parking lot waiting for them and then Edward pulls Bella in for a kiss in front of Esme and Victoria.

And they both walk up to them and say you are both going to be punished you are both too little to do that Esme looks over at Bella and says oh she is like you and Victoria says he's like you.

Esme says hello I am Edwards's mommy and you are and Victoria says I am Victoria Bella's mommy and that got to the conversation of them letting us play with each other on play dates.

And from then on Bella and Edward were inseparable and Esme and Victoria were best friends and Charlie and Carlisle were best dad friends.

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