autistic Little y/n x caregivers jasper and Alice

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the Cullens overheard the Newton boy talking about his sibling and all of a sudden Alice got a vision and then she said there our third mate Jasper more like our little one Jasper says good looks like we found our submissive baby then Edward says you know Mike is saying mentally that his sibling is a mentally incompetent person and then Jasper and Alice say we will love our mate even if they have what does Carlisle call them special needs we don't care and.

 Edward says well he also is thinking of why they're so childish and he found a pacifier in their room he wants to use it against them for his popularity then after school, Alice runs to Esme and asks her mom can you please make the spare room next to our's into a little nursery and Esme says sure why and then jasper says well ali got a vision about our third mate and they are our little/sub and jasper and Alice look over at Rosalie and Emmett feeding there little Stacie and then they finished the nursery by the time they went to school today they would meet there little one.

and Mike says go retard get to special ed and you say well at least I'm not the one wow sleep's with every girl from school and then he says god I love how we insult each other and he hangs his arm around you and Alice and jasper stare at you and you say brother who are they starring at me and he says well those are the Cullen weirdos and then you wave at then and he says 50 bucks bet if you make a friend by lunch and or sit at the Cullen table and you say oh it's on mother fucker.

and Jasper said to Alice oh how I could spank them here and now for cursing then you went to your classes and you hand the teacher your slip and Mr banner Romanoff says introduce yourself to the class and you say Hello I'm Y/n and I like writing story and I'm a cosplayer and then you sit next to a pixie looking girl and a honey blonde boy who looked to be in pain and then mr banner Romanoff says ok today we will be doing rugegoldburgs and you will be doing it with your desk partners.

and then Alice says hello I'm Alice and this is my boyfriend Jasper you say hello and then Jasper says it's nice to meet you darling and then you say Thank you and then Alice says would you like to come over to our house to start the project and then you say well I can I just have to tell bubba and then you lay your head on the desk and you say sorry my mind was in another place.

 and then Alice and Jasper say would you like to sit with us and you are happily stemming and some people look at you and then you say sorry I can't help that it's just the life of me an autistic and then Alice and Jasper and you became fast friends over science class and then when you were about to leave Alice and jasper walk you to advanced history you had it with jasper but you did not know Alice.

and Jasper sighed up to be your buddy and then after that, you went to band and then you went to art and you sit next to Alice and Mrs coin said semester we are doing freestyle do what you want and you started to paint and you slowly felt your self slip and you stop and then you look at your self and say well I'm icky and then it was lunch Alice walked next to you and you held her hand and you look up at Alice and you get your lunch and then you sit in between Alice and jasper and then after school, you go over to your brother.

and you put your hand out and he puts 50$ in your hand and you walk over to the jeep and hop in and sit and buckle in and then you say I'm sorry about my stupid brother he um what I said earlier is true because of things and then you say wow you house is very big and you say are you two sure this is yours and then once you finished the Cullen's told you everything and you sat there in shock and then you say cool but here my take on this if I'm ever dying please turn me not like I have any family and then you say oh god no I'm not related to mike I was adopted by his family when I was a baby.

and let's just say my adopted parents did not care about me after I turned 2 so yeah and you say so I'm mated to Alice and jasper ha funny well there are some secrets I do have to keep because of things and you say well I'm going to go home and then you sneak Alice and jasper in your room and say so this is my room and one of my secret's I'm a little and two if you read what I write I have a kinky side and I'm a sub and third I have powers and then after you show them your powers and you say go ahead I'm a freak I know and then after that day you always called Alice and jasper mama and Dada and then one week you were not at school Alice and jasper come over and they say we have to take you to grampa baby.

and then after two weeks, Carlisle told Alice and Jasper that you were getting worse and Alice and Jasper said Carlisle we are going to turn them and Jasper said our baby y/n is in a lot of pain so i we want to take that pain away and then three day's later you woke up and you hugged Alice and jasper and you say mama wats haopnds and Alice says baby your like us now and jasper say's baby we could not see you in any more pain and then we bit you at the same time and we stayed by your side the whole time and then you say ongary and then you make grabby hands and jasper picks you up and Alice is running next to the two of you and then you jumped out of jasper's arms.

and you run and grab a deer and then a mountain lion and Alice says there you are, baby and Alice, picks you up and carry's you back to the house and Jasper says how about next time we hunt for them and bring back baby bottles filled with animal blood and you fall asleep on Alice and jasper say Carlisle is this Normal and Carlisle say it's with there new powers and then when a few months later Carlisle and Esme adopted you and when you went to school mike came up to you.

and hugs you say baba please let me go and then you say good luck trying to screw the new girl you wink at him and then you walk back over to Alice and Jasper and when it was lunch time you sat on Jasper's lap and you say mama angry and she pulls out a hydro flask filled with blood and then Alice says Esme packed one for all of you and then you smelled something good and it was coming in and you ran to Carlisle and Esme and you say the smell I can't.

 and then Alice and Jasper come in and Esme carries you over to Alice and then Jasper holds a bottle of blood and you chug it down and when you could not have more blood you had a meltdown and Carlisle say's is everything OK and then Jasper says yep y/n is just having a meltdown and then later on you were out hunting when you saw someone looking at you and then you saw a hole bunch of vampires and when you went running you fall to the forest floor screaming in pain and aro walks up to you and he says well your a new little vampire and then Alice and jasper run and find you and Carlisle say I would like to introduce you to y/n Cullen there Alice and jasper's mate and then aro says may I and then he say my what wonderful powers you have and then after that you were happy and you found out you had so many new power's you were always left alone.  

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