little Jacob x caregivers dark Bella and Edward

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{warning forced regression and drugging}  

Jacob had enough of his dad's abuse and the others on the rez and one day Bella saw Jacob in the woods by the stream and she told Edward he was the one and then Bella went over and sat next to him and then Jake says hay bells how are you and she caressed his cheek with her hand and then then the next thing Jake heard was Bella saying no more abuse just being my baby you will be so loved and then Edward carried Jacob to there cottage and then Bella restrained in the side of his crib and when he woke up he looked around he saw bar's all around him and he says help please and Bella opens the nursery door and she says shhh my little pup its OK mama is here and Jake says what the fuck did you just say to me and Bella say's no baby boy no big boy words.

and then Jake says what bells what the hell are you playing at and Edward says well look who's awake Jake says what the fuck is going on with you two and Edward says should I get the pacifier my love then Jake tries to keep his mouth shut and then Edward pull's his mouth open and shoves the pacifier in Jake's mouth and Bella holds it here and Edward strap's it to Jake's head and Bella says that does not come off till you regress and use baby talk and a few months later Jake still has not slipped and Edward left the front door open to bring in the food from the store and other supply's.

and then Jake took the chance to run in the woods and it was not long before Bella and Edward found Jake Bella pick's him up and say you made a very big mistake you have not regressed and or tried and you ran away so you get basement time and Jake says please let me go leave me alone I'm tired of playing sweet baby boy for yous and Edward says nope we want our baby and now we will get him and Jake looked up and saw they were heading to the basement and Jake screamed no you two are crazy you can't put me in there and Bella says yes we can be your parent's we know what is best for you and then Jake saw the door open.

and he looked around and saw there was a mattress on the ground and nothing else he did not even see Bella and Edward leave and Jake said I will not brake to be a baby then by the end of the week he was starting to fall into it and he eats what came through the doggy door and that day Bella and Edward came down to give there pup his bath and then when Jake saw them Jake ran over to them holding on to them for dear life and then after his bath they sat with him for a little bit and then when he was asleep they left and Bella says I think it's starting to work and then on the 50 days Jake could not eat and dress himself he just curled into a ball.

and then Bella came down and said Hay baby boy how are you she sat next to him and Jake said mama no wana I out ood boy now Edward comes down and Jake crawled over to him and said Dada ood boy now out and Edward picks Jacob up and carries him over to the bed and Bella says well your almost ready and then by the end of the month Jake fully gave in and he was now in diapers full time and he could not do a lot without Bella and Edward and Bella came down and picked up Jake and carry him up stair's and Jake said pway pwesae and then from on he played with the rest of the little's and they all loved him and he said in his thought I love it here I'm glad I was here not being abused by the bad man and I love being baby and Edward says well at least you like it and we would not let that man hurt you any more mommy and I love you so much we would not change anything in the world for it.

Hay my little vampires sorry this chapter is a bit short but the next chapter is great so yea and if you guys are a fan of Marvel please if you want to check out my book called avengers little space one shot and if you want more Twilight cheek out the little they never forgot.

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