little Bella x caregivers volturi

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the day Edward left Bella in the woods Bella fell apart she was no longer her self she was a shell of her former self she was empty and blank charlie was feeling like he had to watch Bella sit in pain day after day Bella would just sit and stare out the window and then a few weeks later Bella went out to the meadow to see if she can feel Edward there and Bella walked there and she sat there looking for a sign for him was not there and then Laurent stood there he say's well looks like the cullen's left another pet broken and then Bella say's please just kill me and then what do you mean by another pet and Laurent say's you know Edward has another power he manipulates human girl's and tell them there vampire's and Edward tells them there leaving and right after that every girl killed them selfs after he left them and then Laurent say I am sorry for you he was using you for your blood you lasted longer then any of the other ones I feel sorry that he used you but I and Victoria want to help you and then Laurent bites her and then he says good bye Bella when you wake up you will be a good wittle girl for your mates once you wake up you will feel good and then 4 days later Bella saw Jacob in wolf form and Bella say's well I'm I got to go to Italy and join the volturi I can't be around you or Charwlie I sowwry I have to leave now and Jacob says no you can't and then Bella uses her vampire speed and then jumps up into her window and speed's around and packs her clothes up and runs off to her truck and drives to the bank and then drives to the airport and buys a ticket to Italy and then once she got there she saw Jane and she said Jane I need to see the kings and then Alec walks up to her and say's let's go and then they walk down the stairs and get on to the elevator and then she walks into the thrown room and the three kings all stand up and walk over to her and then she falls onto her knees and they circle her and Marcus say's well looks like we finally have our little one now She is free from Edward's control and aro say's send for the queen's and then sulpicia and Athenodora run and hug her and sulpicia say's well let's get her to her nursery and get her a warm bottle of blood because someone's eyes are black and then Athenodora picks up Bella and carry's her to the nursery they had for her ever since they met her a 2 years back when Bella was there with Edward beginning for his life to be taken because Bella jumped off of a cliff and then once in the nursery Athenodora put's Bella on the changing table and starts taking off Bella's clothes and then she put's a diaper and a onesie and sulpicia say's oh she looks so cute ha oh the boys would love it and then Jane knocks on the door and say's the masters asked me to bring the princess a bottle of blood and sulpicia say's thank you Jane and Athenodora say's bells what do you say to your big sister and brother and Bella say's tank ou bubba and sissy and Jane say's well mom's thank you and then Sulpicia say's oh come here baby and then she takes hella from athenodora and carry's her over to the rocking chair and but what Bella did not know the blood had a formula for little vampires that makes them sleep and then after bella was fed her bottle Athenodora burps Bella and pull's out good night mood and reads that and then as sulpicia was reading the last few chapters and Bella was fast asleep and then a few hours later aro came into the nursery and he picks up Bella and put's her on the changing table and aro changes her diaper and say's come on babyvamp time to wake up from your nap is up and then Bella lay's her head on aro's shoulder and aro carry's Bella to the throne room and Jane run's behind him and holds out Bella's blanket and then when aro reaches the throne room and he walks up to his throne and then caius say's stop hogging baby Bella and then caius takes Bella from aro and he holds her rocking in his throne and when a Victoria ran into the throne room and run's at Bella and before she does Jane uses her pain power and Victoria screams I want her to die and then Bella start's whining and when she opens her eyes she saw Victoria dripping in blood and Bella start crying and shaking and caius yells you stupid vampire you woke up our little one and Bella say's no wana bad wady she ourts charwlie and the wolfies meanie bad and then Victoria say's if your little brat did not go having Edward kill my mate for what and then aro say's aro you saying you want to join your mate because we will let you because you insulted the volturi's princess so now you must die and you hurt her so much and Bella say's Toria I's sowwy and Victoria say's you know Charlie is outside and then Bella yells want him now and then Charlie walk's through the doors and Bella run's to him and tackle's him into a hug and then Bella grabs his hand and pulls him over to aro and Bella made grabby hands to Marcus and he picks her up and Charlie say's first of all what the hell is going on ever since I woke up I had a burning in my throat and then aro say's Charlie Bella and you and I and everyone here is vampires even the cullen's but the receptionist she is human and Charlie say's what the hell is Bella wearing and why is she acting that way and Marcus say's well you she is our mate not in the sexual way in the parental way and she got that way with the bond and then sulpicia walks in and say's there's my babyvamp and Marcus set's Bella down and Bella run's to sulpicia and sulpicia picks her up and aro say's mr swan this is my wife and Bella's mommy and sulpicia say's your the famous Charlie swan well welcome to the volturi and sulpicia say's bells don't we don't suck on mommy's hair now do we and then Athenodora walks in and say's I have a idea how about we throw a party a ball to introduce the rest of the vampire world to princess bella and aro say's good idea and aro say's Charlie you can stay here as Bella's personal guard I see a gift than you have copycat ability and Charlie say's I will and then but what do I tell the wolf's and my ex wife and aro say's just say Bella is married to a prince and now he asked you to come on guard for him and then a few month's later at the cullen's home in Ohio emmett head the mailman just leave he ran to the mail box and he ran back to the house and he yelled Carlisle everyone come down here we got a letter from the volturi and then Edward run's down and Carlisle opens up the letter and he reads it and say's it's an invitation to a coronation ball of princess Isabella and everyone looks over at Edward and growls at him and then a few day's later the cullen's were on there private jet with the Denali's and Edward kept staring at Laurent and Irina say's can you stare at something else and then once Edward got off the plane in Italy they went towards the Castle and once in side The human receptionist say's ah the masters are expecting you to visit them now and then the receptionist knocks on the door and it open and she whispers to demetri that the cullen's are here and then once they get inside Carlisle say's it's been a long time my dear old friend and then sulpicia came into the throne room carrying Bella who was sucking on a pacifier and Charlie was standing next to Jane and Alec and Carlisle say's who is that and caius laughs and say's should we tell them now and the Victoria walks in and stand's next to Charlie and she kisses him turns out she found her new mate and then Edward say's no it can't be and then aro say's oh yes it is and he say's Charlie swan would you like to introduce your self to the cullen's and then Edward say's if he is a vampire where is Bella and caius laugh's agin and say's you stupid man she had been In front of you this hole time oh yes your to stupid trying to manipulate humans to make them think they love you and then you leave then and they kill them self's and aro say's would you like to go to uncle car car and auntie es and then aro puts bella down and bella waddles over to Carlisle and esme and Carlisle picks her up and holds her and Edward stands in the back throwing a supernatural tantrum and Edward say's who turned her and Laurent say's I did she deserve something better than you then all you've done but make her suffer so I bit her and Edward say's who turned Charlie and Victoria say's I did and he my mate and we're married and we are Bella's most personal guard's and then Rosalie say's oh she is so cute and sulpicia notices bella sucking on Rosalie's hair and Athenodora walks in and say's babyvamp what has mama told you not to suck on people's hair and then later on after the coronation Edward was headless In a pile of ash and Carlisle say's aro were sorry that he tried to take Bella and make a run for it and aro say's well we can all get along now and from that day on Bella had many aunties and uncles .

Hay babyvamps I started hell yesterday so I may not post as often .

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