little jasper and Rosalie x caregivers Carlisle and esme

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Carlisle and Esme really wanted to have children but they could not because they were vampires Esme did have Emmett and Alice and Edward but they were all teens in school and they were all dom, not little's or caregivers and then that all changed on a hunt one day when the kids were in school and Carlisle was at work she went into the woods to hunt and at the middle, she saw two little's but they were vampires and she walks up to the boy and says hay are you lost and then the boy looks at Esme with red eyes and he says hewo i's asper and Esme kneels in front of the boy and she says it's nice to meet you sweetheart and who is that with you and jasper say's, baby sissy.

and then Rosalie makes grabby hands to Esme and Rosalie says's mama and Esme say well I have an idea How about I become your mommy Jasper says you be Mama and Esme says yes sweet boy I will and you will have a daddy and brothers and a sister and they're all big's so they will love you and care for you and play with you and jasper say's mama iggy wide and esme say OK hop on and then jasper gets on esme back and esme run's to the house and then when she got there she opened a door to the nursery and jasper say tan i's pway and esme say sweet boy I have to charge you two your sissy look's like she has a rash.

and then Esme changes Rosalie and Jasper into new clothes and diapers and then Jasper says tan we's gos dwon stairs and Esme says yes baby that's where we're just going and then Esme carries Rosalie down the stairs and Jasper runs down the stairs and Esme says you want anything to snack on and jasper says thursty wan blood and esme say OK but I make food out of blood too and jasper says namial crkers and teese and esme say ok animal cracker's and cheese and a sippy of blood and Rosalie starts squirming and Esme puts Rosalie in a playpen and she started playing with the toy's in there and then she finished making jasper a snack and brought it over to him and jasper's say's tank ou mama and then she starts making dinner and then at 2;30 she heard the door open.

and she sees Alice and Edward and Emmett looking at Jasper and Rosalie Esme says well I would like to introduce you to your new little siblings then Jasper says mama ow day and Esme say there your older siblings Emmett picks up Rosalie and he says your so cute and Alice say I get a doll to dress up and then Carlisle came in and he sees Esme feeding two little and Carlisle say's dear who are those two and Esme say bae meet jasper and Rosalie our little and there vampires and Carlisle say where did you find them and she says well I found then in the wood's my dear and they looked like they were lost and they have no caregiver and their clothes were all torn and they have a bad case of diaper rash and then Carlisle says fine they can stay and be our little's and I would like to look at there rashes and then Esme run's over to jasper and says my little fighter you want to meet your daddy and jasper says no hurt me's a.

nd sissy and Esme say no he won't and Carlisle walks in and he kneels to where Jasper was sitting and he says Hay hello I'm Carlisle or as mama said I'm your daddy and Jasper says hurt and Carlisle says no I won't hurt you I help people I'm a doctor and jasper say you help and then Carlisle says well yes and jasper says sissy baby around his thumb and Esme takes his thumb out of his mouth re-put the pacifier in and Rosalie says Dada and Carlisle pick her up and say hi baby girl and then after Carlisle checks them out he says dam it who would put two little's in a vampire war and jasper say houam war too and then Esme and Carlisle pledged to protect there baby's with all there heart and soul to there little's and then Esme say little one's how about bath time and Carlisle says not a bad idea and then once in the bathroom.

and Esme takes off Jasper and Rosalie's clothes and bathes them Jasper ran around the nursery with a towel on and then once they had their pj's on Jasper ran around not wanting to go to bed and Esme yells Carlisle dear can you get jaz he does not want to go to bed and Carlisle hears a knock at the door and Carlisle hears the door open and he runs and picks up jasper and Carlisle says Edward bells are here and Alice peter is her and Emmett y/n are her and Carlisle say's y/n how are your fathers and you say they are just fine just trying to make sure there new little Stacie is adapting to her new life and Emmett says my Volturi is here and then they all went off and when Carlisle ran to the nursery esme say's jasper no answering the door that is your mommy's or daddy's job and esme say's who wants story time and jasper sits in Carlisle lap.

and Jasper drinks a bottle that Carlisle is holding and then Rosalie fell asleep and then soon followed by Jasper and Carlisle say's how and Esme says's new formula for little vampires and Esme and Carlisle sat down stair's watching Stalker then in the morning y/n said oh shit my dad's are coming and Carlisle heard a knock and saw the three kings and aro said Carlisle you got little and esme says yes we do and then caius puts Stacie down and she play's with them till Marcus picked her up to giver her a nap and then after that the three kings let Stacie come with y/n every week to see the Cullen's and jasper and Rosalie loved there new family/coven.

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