little Bella x caregivers James and Victoria

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when Bella went to the dance studio James say oh look it our babygirl and then Victoria says you are a bad baby running from mommy and daddy on the base ball field when we will give you everything not those Cullen's who are just using you we are the ones who should be taking care of you because your just a wittle baby and then Victoria grabs Bella and holds her in place and then James says see not so hard when your in the right head space and then Edward comes in and says give me back my girl friend and then the rest of the sullen clan arrive and Edward was crying in venom tears on the floor holding Bella and he says they ran and then Carlisle says we have to hurt Bella some to make it look like she go hurt and then take her to the hospital and then in the car jasper says something is wrong with Bella and Carlisle says what is that and jasper says she feels empty except for like baby-child like feelings and then Alice says is it to late but i found a empty syringe on the side in the corner where they both left and then Edward sits on the couch in the hospital well Carlisle does test on Bella and then charlie comes in and grabs Edward and holds him against the wall and says what did you do to my little girl if i find out she was or is pregnant your dead i won't stop my self from killing you got that and Edward says i have not done anything to her and then Carlisle comes out with a not so happy face on and he says i'm sorry charlie from what happend to Bella her mind is now um how can i put this she is like a baby-toddler and charlie says is there anything we can do to fix or reverse it and Carlisle says no i am afraid not and charlie says you are so dead Edward and then charlie says Carlisle i can't take care of Bella i have my job and i can't hover over her every min and Renee she is not a responsible woman so i may have to give Bella up to the state and Carlisle says i have a better idea me and my wife can take full custody of Bella she can watch her and my family love Bella and then charlie says OK but i want to visit her some time and then Carlisle says that's fine with us and then charlie called Renee and she gave the go ahead and then charlie says Carlisle can i kiss her before i say good bye and will one of you call Jacob to tell him the news and then charlie kisses a sleeping Bella on the forehead and then a few days later Carlisle was pushing Bella in the stroller out the hospital and Bella had a stuffed wolf in her mouth who she called Jake and Carlisle says you are a messy baby and you know this Rosalie can't wait to meet baby Bella as same for esme and then on the car ride home Bella fell asleep and he was greeted with everyone staring and he says don't stare and or shhh she is sleeping and then Rosalie smacks Emmett on the back of the head to lower the TV and then he un buckles her from her car seat and carry's her in and he takes off his shoes and puts Bella's diaper bag on the coat hook and then he runs up the stairs and Edward takes Bella out of Carlisle's arms and then he says is she getting any better and Carlisle says Edward i'm sorry but no and even if we turned her she would be the same way and then Edward kisses Bella and he hands her to Rosalie and Edward says i am going to Kate i can't deal with this and then Rosalie rocks Bella back and forth and then Rosalie says i really feel bad for being a bitch to Bella and now i feel like she is my daughter i wish we could have know what they injected Bella with and Carlisle says its a surprise and i have called Jacob down to come see Bella and then once Jacob got there he gets off his bike and says where is she show me now and then Carlisle takes Jacob to Bella and then Jacob says what the hell happened to Bella and Bella says doggy and Jacob says hay Bella with tears in his eyes do you know my name and Bella starts crying and then Jacob says i'm sorry i let you down Bella and Carlisle says oh Jacob we are so sorry we tried everything nothing is helping it's like she is regressed in her brain and nothing is going back and then Jacob leaves and runs into the woods and shifts to wolf and then Carlisle says well i feel so bad for her and then later on they left Bella with Jessica to babysit her and then James and Victoria came in and took Bella and covered her sent and they ran and from then on Bella was there baby.

when Bella went to the dance studio James say oh look it our babygirl and then Victoria says you are a bad baby running from mommy and daddy on the base ball field when we will give you everything not those Cullen's who are just using you we are t...

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Hay little vamps this is my cosplay coven we cosplay the volturi we currently need a marcus and aro and Felix instagram is volturicoven dm us if you are Interested.
Ps I will be at camp till the 6 because I will be working half of the week

Ps I will be at camp till the 6 because I will be working half of the week

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