little y/n x caregivers SAM and Emily

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when you were with Bella you saw Jake turn into a wolf and when you went to SAM and Emily's house you stayed till every one left and Emily say's want a cup of tea and you say sure she hands you and iced tea and you take a sip and all of a sudden you felt like your clothes were very itchy and you felt like a baby again and SAM say's it my baby there and you say Dada and Emily say's oh yes you are and then Emily say's i'm so glad i had that special tea to make y/n our little one and then SAM say's well at least we did no kidnap and brain wash them like the leaches little Stacie and Emily say's yes but were just drugging them so less crazy and then Emily picks you up and say's let's get a diaper on you before you mess your self and then SAM say's can i tear up there big clothes and Emily say's yes as far as they know there a baby and i want to put them in the onesie that say's baby wolf and the wolf pacifier and Emily say's oh i can't wait to breastfeed them and then SAM put you into the and he washes you then he carry's you to the nursery and Emily put'd you on the changing table and she put you in a diaper and a onesie and then she sit's down and she unbuttons her top and take's off her bra and then she moves your head to her beast and then SAM clips a pacifier to your onesie and then after that she burps you and you drool all over her top and SAM say's well now were are going to have to give them the tea next week we can just say we are having a tea party and SAM say's well till then now we can enjoy out baby and then Emily put you down and you crawled over to the toy box and SAM say's hay little pup look what daddy has and you make grabby hands to the stuffed wolfs and Emily say's what are you going to name them and you say fater ou and then Emily say's oh that is so cute and then you sit on the floor playing and then Emily picks you up and you whine and she say's no and Emily say's i know baby it's OK and then SAM say's it's time for dinner and then SAM picks you up and carry's you down the stair's and SAM set's you in the high chair and then buckles you in and then Emily say's i made stake and baked potato and for a treat after brownies and then Emily placed Sam's plate down and then her's and then she put your on the high chair tray and then when you finished and when Emily finished feeding you SAM say's you are a messy baby but you have to eat your green beans and then you say no oana and then SAM say's i guess no dessert for you baby then SAM moves the fork towards your mouth and then you open your mouth and then SAM say's see you just needed your daddy's touch and then Emily say's you earned your dessert and then you slap your hands on the high chair tray and kick your feet then Emily say's OK we have a happy baby and then SAM feed you the brownie with ice cream and then after that you were hyper and then later on in the month you had a bad cold and then you took a turn for the worse and SAM called Carlisle Emily say's y/n baby keep your eyes open and then Carlisle say's OK i'm here and then SAM say's please change them i can't lose them and carlisle say's ok and then four day's you woke up and said mama,Dada and then you run into the woods and drain a bear and then sam runs up to you and you run and hug him and he say's thank you baby and then you lived peacefully with the wolfs and then you turned SAM and Emily and you all lived for forever.

when you were with Bella you saw Jake turn into a wolf and when you went to SAM and Emily's house you stayed till every one left and Emily say's want a cup of tea and you say sure she hands you and iced tea and you take a sip and all of a sudden y...

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