little y/n x caregivers Alec and Jane

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your mother sent you to forks because of charlies reports about Bella and you say mom i am going to be fine OK you don't have to worry about me and when you got to forks you got in charlie's police cruiser and then when you got to the house.

you hid in Bella's room and then you heard the door open and you jumped out and Bella say's y/n your here in forks i missed you you gotten so but and then you sit on then bed you see a red head in your room and scream because you feel a burning pain go through your hole body.

(2 days later )
You woke up and saw Bella sitting with Jacob by you and you say bella but you hear blla instead and Jacob say oh yea there a little and you make a stink face at him and he says I know I stink can we move on from that story and you say bells please he smells like wet dog so move him and Bella says how are you feeling and then you say fine except a burning in my throat and then Bella say go hunt in the woods and you shake your head no don't wana .

And she looks at Jacob and he says come on if you're good I will give you the surprise I have and you toddled walked with him and he handed you a handmade blanket and a handmade wolf stuffy from Emily and her son adrian and Bella says y/n do you want to go to meet the Volturi you say sure and you get onto a jet with the Cullens and once in the castle.

(in the throne room )

you hide behind Bella and you can feel two people staring at you then you see two people a blonde girl and a brown hair boy and they say our baby and then aro says so they found their little mate and jane and slice became happier with you around 

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