little Bella x caregivers volturi

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(sorry the top is going to be a lot of peter/ Henry pictures god i simp for this charter stranger things 4 spoilers sorry)

(sorry the top is going to be a lot of peter/ Henry pictures god i simp for this charter stranger things 4 spoilers sorry)

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(papa caius is giving you the look little y/n)

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(papa caius is giving you the look little y/n)

after the Cullen's left Bella was in what Dr Brenner say catatonic and Bella kept a secret long before she came to forks she never told anyone she was a little because in this town it was like little's were never around they were pushed away and then Bella a few months later went to the meadow to see if she could find Edward and she was met with Laurent runs towards her and she say's please just end my suffering i lost all hope and then Laurent say's well OK and then he sinks his fangs in her and leaves her there and then three day's later Bella woke up and saw the three kings standing over her and Marcus say's take it easy little vampire and aro say's bells where did the Cullen's go and Bella stares at them and say's they left me here to die i want revenge and caius say's you know that Edward was not your mate and then Marcus say's your our mate and then Bella say's so i'm the vampire queen and then aro say's well yes but caregivers can tell a little out of a group and then Bella say's so i have been caught but the only thing is i have to say good bye to my dad and then we can take off to Italy and then Bella say my throat it burns and caius say OK you need to hunt before and Bella say's no i want human blood no anmels and aro say's OK i will go with the little one and you go to her house and get her clothes and Bella say's ans ane and then after that aro teaches Bella how to hunt and then after that charlie say's Bella where are you going and who are they and then Bella bites him and then Bella say's you shall love living forever and then there was a knock at the door and she answers it and she see's Jacob and Bella say's well i guess that you smell me now and then Jacob runs in and say you bit charlie  are you crazy and then Bella say lesson your no longer my problem i am the vampire queen and then aro say's ready to go and then Bella say's yes and then demetri carry's charlie to the jet and then 6 hours later and then aro say's little one it's time to wake up and then Bella cuddles into aro and aro rubs his hand up and down Bella's back and then Bella say's owo anwa and then Marcus say's it's OK babygirl and then Bella gets up and caius picks Bella up from aro and Bella cuddles into him and caius say's oh do i have a cuddly baby and then Marcus say no you do not put that thumb in your mouth and then Marcus put's a pacifier in her mouth and clips it to her shirt and then Bella say's ane ear and then Jane hands Bella her stuffy and then after a while aro say's OK once we get there bells you must hold one of our hands and then they get out of the car and then a few months later at the yearly ball the volturi say you all should like to meet the new queen and then Bella walk's in and and sits on her thrown and then Bella stared down at the Cullen's and then later on Bella was sitting in the garden and Edward came in and said Bella you know i love you and then Bella said pain and Jane and alec come over and then aro said my love are you OK and then Bella say's yea and Bella walks over to Edward and she say's oh i have an idea since you put me through a lot of shit i shall do the same to you are just a weak little boy who likes to pry on the weak so you know what you are going to be the weak one now you are going to obey me and the kings and then Bella makes his mind regress and then Bella say's take him to the dungeon and then Bella cry's into aro and he say's baby you want to regress and then Bella look at aro with tears in her eye's and say's otay Dada and then later on Bella married the three kings and then later on Bella adopted renesmee and Stacie and y/n and she loved them so much.

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