Little y/n x caregivers bella and Edward

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Jacob and Nessie went to school with Edward and Bella and Alice and Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett and Stacie and you were new to Forks and you were made fun of a lot and bullied and you had no friends and everyone said you were weirder than the Cullen's and one day you were getting beat up and you hear someone say leave them and then you see two people standing with you and you say thank you and then you say hello i',m y/n and what's your name and then the two people say hay it's OK little one and they say I'm Bella and I'm Edward and Bella say's your the one Nessie told us about.

and then you say your the chef's daughter and your Dr Cullen's son and they both say yep and then Bella says would you like a ride home and you say Sure and Edward says We should let Carlisle take a look at you and then you say sure and when you were walking out to there car Edward picks you up and carry you to his car and then Bella buckles you in the car.

and then when they drove far from the school Bella climbs next to you and you feel a needle go in your neck and the last thing you hear is shhh baby you will be OK and then it all went black and then you were asleep and Bella says they look so peaceful and Edward says well now we have our baby I hope they like life and then Edward says well now let's burn there clothes and brake there phone and then you my dear will take over from that and then when you woke up you tried to get up but found out you could not and then you say what the fuck.

 and then Bella came in and said oh look who's up you have a nice nap baby and you say what the fuck did you say to me Edward comes in holding something behind his back and then he walks over to the crib saying Baby that is no way to talk you should only be learning to say mama and Dada and then you say first of all your the one who kidnapped me and then Bella says well more as we adopted you out of that abuse and then you say no I was not and then Edward pulls up your shirt and say see look and you say OK maybe that was bad but I was not treated like a goddam helpless baby and they see your eye's flicker red and you say don't piss me the fuck off and they say why your just a weak human and you say ha far from the week my powers can take over forks.

and then they say oh so cute the baby has a magic trick and then you say stop calling me that and then Edward says that's because you are our baby you rely on your mama and Dada to feed you and change your diapers and we carry you around and we play with you because you want us to play with your toy's and we give you bath's and you love to play with your big sister Nessie and you love your aunt rose and uncle Emmett and you love your grampa Carlisle and grandma Esme and you say no I don't know any of you and Bella say shhh baby look at mommy it will all be over soon you will have no worries and you say this was worse then time they wiped my mind of all my memory's and I was a blank slate and then Edward shoves a pacifier in your mouth and straps it around your head and Bella says OK I'll take those.

and you feel something get shoved in your sides and you start crying Edward says shhh it's OK y/n baby mama and Dada are here and the Edward says should have worked by now and then he unstraps the pacifier from your head and Bella says OK now we can get you into a diaper and onesie and you go to say fuck off and then you heard babbles and gargles and then Bella says you know now you can't run because we took that away and your control to go to the bath room and then you start crying and Edward uncuffs you and takes the cuffs and put them in the closet and pulls out a onesie that says a loudest little vampire and then Bella changed your clothes.

and then Edward picks you up and carry's you to the kitchen and he sets you in a high chair and then you see Bella crush some pills in your food and Edward says there just so you become our baby and then when Bella came over to the high chair and she put different food and you see baby food and Edward says OK let's get you to eat and then Bella came out with a bottle and then she sits in front of you on a chair and she says there's two way's we can do this the easy way or the hard way and then she lifts the spoon to your mouth and you hold your mouth shut and then Bella says well I guess you want the hard way and Edward runs over and holds your mouth open.

and closed to make sure you eat and then after you eat Bella says bottles are only for water and you get mommy's milk from my chest and then she takes you out of the high chair and carries you over to the couch and takes her top off and undoes her bra and she pulls your head to her breast and moves your head to were she wanted you to suck and then after that, she says now are you going to be a good baby for mommy and daddy and ever since that faithful day that you were kidnapped you learned your place and you were Bella and Edward baby and you met the rest of the Cullen's and the wolf pack and they all loved you and you said in your mind I love this life. 

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