Little charlie x caregivers carlisle and esme

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When it was classification day at forks high school and Charlie Swan was nervous because he knew that in order to join the police department as an actual cop he would have to be neutral or caregiver or dom

And when he sat in the nurse's office and let dr Romanoff take some of his blood and put it on a piece of paper and put drops on it and it turned baby blue and dr Romanoff say well we have a beautiful little boy

And then Charlie pulls out a stack of 20$ and says can you give me spare classification papers that say I am a neutral you can have this stack of cash and dr Romanoff say ok but I have to give you this shot to start your headspace

And Charlie says ok and then 4 years later Charlie was married to Renee and 3 months later they had a baby named Bella when Bella was 1 Renee and him there arguing got out of hand and Renee yells you I always wake up to wet sheets and I wake up to use the bathroom and I see my husband chef of police sucking on his thumb with we pj pants

And Charlie says it's because of an injury I got ok Renee I am not a dumb diaper-wearing little then Renee says I am sorry I am leaving I can't take care of baby Bella and my ex-husband of a baby and then Renee says I'm sorry I have to go and she grabs her suitcase and a baby Bella and leave's

6 years later Bella used to visit when she was little but then one day it stopped when she was younger he would hide stuff from her and his room was always locked and he acted two different ways to family and friends and work

And but on the way to the airport Charlie held his thumb in his mouth and sucked on it until he pulled it and pulled over into the parking spot he got out of the car opening the squad car trunk

And Bella runs over dad-Charlie Hay and then she hugs him and then he puts Bella's bags into the trunk of the car and he gets in and drives off with Bella back to the house he gives her the tour of the house and he says well Bella I have one big rule no going into my room and that is all

And then a few days later Charlie got a call over the radio and he heard that his daughter was taken to the hospital and then after that, he ran into the emergency room and found the room where his daughter was in and says you can kiss your license goodbye and then he walks over to Bella

And Charlie says you ok and then Tyler says Bella I am really sorry I tried to stop really and then Charlie pulls the curtain around Tyler and then dr Cullen walks in

and say's I heard the Chief's daughter is here then dr Cullen puts his hand out for Charlie to shake and when he did he felt sparks go through his non-beating heart and he muffles and says my baby boy and growls

And then after that, he says ok Bella your good to go I just have to sign papers for you Carlisle walks up to Charlie and say's have a lovely day because he wanted to say bye baby boy dada and Mama will see you later when it's night night

And then after that, Charlie went on like normal but when he went to sleep he felt like someone was watching him sleep and then a few day's later at the base Carlisle came into his office and said I am sorry about your friend buddy

Because Charlie was throwing a tantrum and Carlisle locked Charlie's door and picked him up from the corner Carlisle says baby-buddy hay it's ok to have big feelings Charlie continued to cry and Carlisle says An ok baby boy I am taking you to my house to see mama ok and I need to make sure you are not dehydrated and then Carlisle sets Charlie down and Charlie says go go ou dada oume

Then Bella shows up with Edward and Carlisle says Edward will you drive Bella home Charlie said to give you this and he hands Bella a pepper spray and then Bella and Edward walkout

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