forced little bree x caregivers Carlisle and esme

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bree was walking around Seattle looking for a meal and then she walk's behind a couple and then she goes to grab them and they quickly turn around and then she went to run but looked back and saw that she was in someones arms that had to be a vampire as well and then bree felt something on her face and the next thing she heard was shhh baby it's OK your going to be safe with your other brothers and sisters and then everything went black and then when bree woke up she looked around but she tried to get up but she could not and then after that she tried to talk but all that came out was baby noises and then esme walks into the nursery and Carlisle come in carrying a crying Bella in one arm and in the other Edward crying and a Emmett and Rosalie sucking on there blankets holding on to each other then esme picks up bree and then esme carries bree down stairs and puts bree in a baby swing and then esme takes Bella and put's her into her high chair and Carlisle put's Edward in his high chair and then Carlisle puts Emmett in his booster seat in a normal chair and esme did the same with Rosalie and then jasper and Alice come down the stairs and they sit at the table and Alice rubs her eyes and Carlisle says is your eyes red again ali and then esme puts food made out of animal blood and for the younger ones animal blood baby food and some baby bottles filled with animal blood in them and with sippy cups and then after everyone eat the rest of the little ones went to play because today the volturi was coming over with there three little's Stacie and alec and Jane and then three hours later esme answered a door and Jane and alec ran up the stairs and then caius carries Stacie up the stairs and esme let bree and Stacie play on a play mat and then Stacie used her powers to talk to bree and then 3 hours later bree was happy with her answer she got that Carlisle and esme just wanted to help them .

hay little vampiers i am sorry that i have not been posting a lot i am a student so i have school work and home work to do so sorry for the incontinence

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