1- Prologue

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2 years earlier

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2 years earlier

A handful of emotions ran through me as my head snaps to the side and all my senses focus on the tingling sensation on my cheeks.

Fear. Sadness. Pity

Pitied myself because I let it get this far, because I should've left the first time he made me straighten my hair, change my clothes, and started telling me how to act; it took a toll on my confidence.

It was also his constant yelling whenever I did something he didn't like. Before him whenever someone yelled at me I never took too close to heart, but now it's like a trigger. My heartbeat would accelerate, tears would sting the back of my eyes, my throat would close up, and a pit would form in my stomach.

The amount of anxiety attacks I've gotten in the last year is insane. The overthinking because he made me believe that there was something actually wrong with me, and I was afraid other people would see as he and I did; as someone who needs fixing.

But above all emotions I felt angry.

Turns my face towards Caleb with my hand on my cheek in shock. He stares at me with eyes wide before he breaks from his haze.

"Jesus, babe. I'm so sorry. It was an accident." His voice softer than it was minutes ago when he was yelling at me about how I'm friends with August.

A boy I've been best friends with since 2nd grade. Everything between us has been platonic, and even if it wasn't it not like we could act on it. I spend most of my time with Caleb anyways; more than I like.

Caleb wraps his arms around me stuffing his face into the crook of my neck, and I felt the need to vomit.

"Let go of me." I whisper as I stood frozen.

He shakes his head and his arms tighten around me and felt like I was suffocating; I could hear my rapid heartbeat through my ears.

"Let. Me. Go." I grit through my teeth breaking from his hold like his skin burns to the touch, and not in a good way.

"It wasn't that hard. Your overreacting." I hear him say as I walk down the hall of his house and to his room grabbing my things.

He walks into the room snatching my stuff out my hand and throwing it on the floor away from me.

"You're not going anywhere, Delani. Stop being dramatic."

I scoff, "Being dramatic is screaming in a restaurant full of people because my order was wrong, but I think my reaction is valid since you put your hands on me."

He runs a stressful hand through his hair, "It was an accident!" He shouts.

"An accident is forgetting your car keys, an accident is dropping your phone. You don't accidentally slap your girlfriend!"

"So you're going to leave because of one mistake, go crawling back to those two loser." He grits through his teeth stepping closer.

I left out a humorless chuckle, "Funny for you to think I'd ever stop hanging out with them."

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