30- Book Collection

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"How's my pretty girl?" I coo picking up Greenbean after I dropped my book bag near August's door

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"How's my pretty girl?" I coo picking up Greenbean after I dropped my book bag near August's door.

She nudges her head under my jaw as I scratch under her chin.

I set her down and she meows trotting to August and she stands on her hind legs as she reaches up her paws on his legs.

"Hey precious, how was your day?" He talks to her as I drop onto his revolving chair. 

The chair swivels at the motion and I hold onto the desk to stop myself from spinning. On the corner of the desk we're stacks of astronomy and astrophysics textbooks- we don't even have those subjects at school. There was a framed photos of me holding Greenbean kissing her cheek.

Some of my drawing were thumbtacked to the wall, and thinking about it now I haven't drawn in a while.

I turn my attention to the bathroom when I hear the water running. August walks out of the bathroom, "I started the shower for you so you could just get in."

I smile at his thoughtfulness, I shower after I come from school because it's relaxing and because I want to feel and be clean when I lie down in bed.

I get up from the revolving chair and I kiss his cheek as a thank you before I go to his closet and go straight to the dresser inside. Though August usually hangs all of his clothes he folds some into this dresser, the first two drawers for me and the last two for him.

I grab what I need before going to the bathroom and taking my shower. Steam filled the room as the hot water pours on my skin on its highest setting.

My shoulders drop and my body relaxes at the temperature of the water cascading down my body.

After I got done showering and I dressed myself in some shorts and one of August's shirts.

When I open the bathroom door I immediately felt the temperature difference between the two rooms. August got up from where he's sitting opening his arms as he walks towards.

I hold my hand out stopping him from hugging me, "Take a shower first, yes?" I take a hold of one of his before placing a kiss on the back of his hand.

He pouts, "I guess." He walks off muttering incoherency.

I make myself comfortable on his bed and I turn on the TV and I started playing a movie as I wait for August to get out of the shower.

Fifteen minutes later and the hazel eyed boy  was out the bathroom with damp hair and shirtless wearing briefs, and plops himself on top of me.

I groan under his body weight as he nuzzled his face into my neck peppering kisses on my skin.

"It's been a long day." He groaned closing his eyes.

I let a small giggle threading my fingers through his dark hair, "Yeah, but you still have to show me your books."

At my reminder he perks up, his eyes glitter as a smile blooms on his face, he doesn't say anything but climbs off the bed he lowers himself to the carpeted floor.

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