26- Good Type of Nothing

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"Whew!" I place my hand over my bloated stomach as I walk through the hotel room, "I'm full

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"Whew!" I place my hand over my bloated stomach as I walk through the hotel room, "I'm full." I groan making a bee line to the bed.

August, behind me, closes the hotel room door, "You liked dinner?" He asked, but he didn't seem really interested.

"Liked!? I loved it, and don't even get me started on the beignets." I sigh happily, dazing at the ceiling as if I found a new heaven.

"What'd you do with the rest of the gumbo?" I ask, propping myself up on my elbows watching as he walks into the bathroom.

"I packed some up to-go, and then rest I put in containers for the staff if they wanted it for lunch. I left a note." He answers, shortly after the sound of the sink faucet travels from the bathroom.

"That was nice of you." I compliment as he washes his hands.

"I can't disagree with you." He hums distracted, as if he was lost in thought.

We fall into a silence and I carefully study him as his hands wash off the soap suds from his hands. His eyes are trained on his hands but it was as if he was looking at something else. Thinking of something else.

He turns off the faucet and dries his wet hands before he trudged out the bathroom, turning off the light, he stops in front of me with a glint in his eyes.

"I know I said we could talk about it later," His jaw clenched, as a flare of anger, frustration and....guilt flashed in his eyes, "But I just can't stop thinking about it."

Before I could ask him what he was going on about he held his hand out for me, "Get up for me, baby." He said softly, I raise my hand and his hand clasps mine as I rest it in his palm.

I get off the bed and he guides me across the room where a tall mirror is hung on the hotel wall, "Look in the mirror." He instructs softly.

"Auggie I-"

"Look in the mirror, Delani." He repeats in the same soft tone. Soft and gentle

Sighing I reluctantly look in the mirror, "Now what do you see?" He ask.

I purse my lips my eyes trailing my body, and I despised the twisted feeling in my stomach I got when I looked at myself.

"Me." I answer, short and vague.

"And what was your first thought?" He kisses my cheeks, comforting me.

"That I wish I didn't look like this." I murmur, closing my eyes not being able take another second of this.

Admitting it aloud only made the humiliation worse.

"He made you believe that there was something wrong with the way you look, and I'm going to erase every thought he put into your beautiful, beautiful head." August whispers against the skin of my neck. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell by how tense his voice was he was angry no matter how hard he tried to hide it, "And you're going to watch."

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