2- Kill

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If you're rereading this I changed the outfit bc I was tired of shitting tears.

I heard the footsteps before I even open my eyes, but I didn't acknowledge them since I already knew who it was

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I heard the footsteps before I even open my eyes, but I didn't acknowledge them since I already knew who it was.

It was the pillow being pressed down on my face, suffocating me, that made fully awake.

"August!" My scream was muffled from the silk pillow being pressed face.

"Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you." I could hear the amusement in his tone.

I'm gonna kill him. It took me years to decide what to do, but I'm gonna kill him.

"August Beckham get this damn pillow off my head." I yelled with the very little breath I had.

I took a deep breath of fresh air when he finally decides to uplift the pillow from my face, and when I open my eyes I see his face just above mine.

"Good morning." He smiles and I glared at him. His green eyes gleaming with amusement and mischief.

I tell him to turn around before throwing the covers off of me, and I put on some shorts.

I stand up from the bed, my silk bonnet hanging by a thread, "That's it. I'm stealing your cat."

August turns to me, eyes wide, and he dramatically points a finger at me, "You leave Greenbean out of this, and besides I was trying to wake you up." He grabs the bonnet off my head and throwing it on the bed before going into my closet.

"No. You were trying to permanently put me to sleep." I complain walking into the bathroom and preparing to brush my teeth.

"You know I wouldn't do that. How would I possibly live without you?" He appears in the reflection of the mirror leaning against doorframe.

"You're about to find out." I grumbled before I started brushing my teeth.

"I thought you'd be excited it's the first day of school as seniors, and I know how much you like school." He saids with a sly smile, and I roll my eyes.

Though he isn't wrong I love school it gives me something to do, but it's the getting up in the morning that I don't like.

August on the other hand is very much a morning person, and he takes advantage of living across the street to wake me up; very energetically I might add.

"You come in from the front or through the window?" I ask.

"Window." He answers.

Looking at my personal alarm clock through the mirror he's still in his pajamas, which contains black sweats, and a white sleeveless ribbed undershirt leaving his muscular arms on displayed. I'm pretty sure if he uncrossed his arms you would be able to see the veins trailing his forearms.

I advert my eyes before I stare to long, but how could I not. He had a defined jaw line, dark fluffy hair that contrasted his bright hazel eyes, and cute deep dimples when ever he smiled.

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