13- Jealous

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"I could sue you

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"I could sue you."

"Sue me for what?" August smirks.

"I don't know yet, but I'm pretty sure this is against my will." I purse my lips as he pulls me to the cafeteria.

"Come on, Ven. You said you'd try." He whines.

"I am trying," I pause before mumbling, "to get away from you."

"You love me." He states opening the cafeteria doors.

Who told him?

Akari and Rowan greets us when we walk through the double doors; along with the loud chatter from the students.

"Alright team, huddle up." I demand pulling all of us to the nearest corner of the cafeteria.

"We're eating lunch with new people. Not planing to rob a bank, Lani." August rolls his eyes.

"I know, I just don't trust them, so I just want to make on thing clear. No matter what do not tell them about the field." I demand because I don't trust the two boys we're about to eat lunch with and in worst case scenarios I want a place we can get away from them.

"What happens if they ask?" Akari questions.

What I've learned about Akari, in such a short time, is that she's a funny weird, and what I mean by that is her thought process is...unique. So I know I'm going to regret these next words.

"Say the first believable lie that comes to your head." I answered her question before we disperse.

"Did you guys do this when you guys first had lunch with me?" Akari ask as we walk to the lunch line before heading to the table where Jake and Michael sit.

"No we actually liked you."

Once we get our food Rowan and August greet Michael and Jack as we sit down at the table across from them. Me and Akari sit next to each other in the middle of August and Rowan.

For a minute no one said a word and we were all just looking at each other.

Akari leans closer to me before whispering. "This is awkward."

I turned me head to her, "Really? What gave it away?" I tilt my head.

"Well for one nobody is tal-," I raise my eyebrows as she was about to start listing things off but then she stops, "You were being sarcastic." She realizes.

I hear a quite chuckle from across the table, and looking up I seen it was coming from Jack whose eyes were trained on Akari.

"So why'd you guys transfer schools?" August was the first to speak up as I take a bite of my pizza.

"Some bad stuff was happening at our school, so our parents thought it would be best to transfer us." Michael answers eating a french fry.

"Okay, but what's the deal with you two?" Rowan points between the blonde and brunette, "Are yall cousins? Stepbrothers? What?"

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