40- Picasso

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"My goodness you're gorgeous

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"My goodness you're gorgeous." Akari fans herself as she shakes hands with Alexander.

"Thank you. I could say the same for you." He smiles kindly.

Rowan stood up from the couch, "Alright, All of Simon and Devin's friends need to stop flirting with my girlfriend. I'm getting tired of this." He grumbles pulling Akari to him.

Alexander chuckles, "You must be Simon's brother, Rowan."

Rowan shrugs narrowing his eyes at man, "Maybe."

Simon then walks out the kitchen dusting his hands before greeting his friends, "Alexander it been a while. How's Marco?"

Devin interjects, "I'mma start charging y'all five dollars every time y'all say that man's name."

Alessandro put his hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, principessa. We won't bring him up anymore."

"Alessandro, still the peacemaker I see." Simon chuckles.

He shrugs smiling, "Just making sure you guys don't attack each other. Again."

I walk into the foyer with August trailing behind me, and Devin pulls me into a hug, "Xander this is Delani and her boyfriend August. You guys this Alexander." She introduces.

His dual colored eyes draw to me as he smiles holding out his hand, "It's nice to meet you, Delani. Same to you August."

We return the same gesture shaking his hand and being polite with introductions before we all found ourselves scattered between the living room  dining area, and the kitchen.

August is the dining area with my dad who is trying to keep him away from as long as possible either by subtly messing up August's work or saying he did wrong without any attempt to help him.

I felt bad for my boyfriend as he kept calling my name from the dining room complaining, while I was in the kitchen trying to make sure Ivy's peach cobbler doesn't burn.

"Alexander you're a guest, it would be rude of me to let you help with dinner." I hear my mother say as she walks in the kitchen with Alexander.

"But I insist. It's the least I can do." He saids kindly.

My mom sighs before looking around the kitchen, "Well if you don't mind could you finish cutting the tomatoes for the salad?"

He nods with a smile, "Yes ma'am."

He moves around the kitchen to get a knife before he stands in front of a cutting board with a tomato.

Silence lingered before I spoke, "How'd you meet Dev?"

Alexander seemed a caught off guard by the question, "Oh we worked together for a short time before she started dating..." He looked around the kitchen before whispers, "Marco."

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