14- Early

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Peacefully I throw the covers off of me getting out of bed as I take off my bonnet, and heading straight to the bathroom to get ready for school

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Peacefully I throw the covers off of me getting out of bed as I take off my bonnet, and heading straight to the bathroom to get ready for school.

Looking at the clock it's six fifty, and normally August always wakes me up at seven o'clock so I woke up a little early; which is unusual.

I rinse my toothbrush before applying the toothpaste before running it under water again, and then I started to brush my teeth.

When I was done brushing my teeth I washed my face before I went to my closet to pick out my outfit.

Looking at me neatly hanged shirts I look for a new outfit.
I didn't even organize this closet August did, and I'm pretty sure if he didn't I wouldn't be able to find any piece of clothing.

While I'm still looking I hear the familiar sound of my window opening and closing, and I'm assuming it's seven o'clock.

"Ven?" A smile etches at my lips.

"I'm in here, Auggie." I announce.

Standing in the doorway of my closet is an confused and upset August, "What are you doing?"

I glance to to my clothes, "Getting ready for school?" It came out more of question rather than a statement.

"Why?" He ask his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I woke up early."

"No." He shakes his head, "Go back to bed." He demands.

"What?" I ask dumbfounded.

"You need to go back to bed so I can wake you up." He walks further into the small enclosed space.

"Auggie, I'm not going to b-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before the eighteen year old boy threw me over his shoulder.

"August put me down!" I shout hanging upside as he walks into my bedroom and to my bed.

He gently lays me down on the bed before he pulls the covers over me effectively tucking me in.

"Is it really this serious? I just woke up early." I exasperate as he picks up my bonnet and putting it back on my head. Not even fully back on, just half way making it look like I just woke up.

He stops his frantic movement with a huff knelling by the side of my of my bed, "Everyday. Everyday I wake you up at seven o'clock, and I look forward to it every second I wake up. And I'm pretty sure if I don't wake you up, even if it's pretend, I won't be able to continue my day properly, so will you please just do this for me?"

"Fine." I sigh closing my eyes before turning over on my side, and relaxing into the mattress of my bed as he rubs up and down my back; making my tiredness increase.

Minutes passed and I almost went back to sleep, and I think August could tell because he gently shook my shoulder before I was fully asleep.

"Ven." August whispers.

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