43- Beautiful

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Moonlight seeps through my window blinds at one o'clock in the morning while I'm awake watching my girlfriend sleep

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Moonlight seeps through my window blinds at one o'clock in the morning while I'm awake watching my girlfriend sleep.

I couldn't control the sickened feeling in my stomach as I replay the party over and over again in my mind.

I should have ran after her faster.

Maybe if I was more persistent on leaving that room...

I should've held her hand in the crowd.

I let out a harsh breath running hand over my face. She didn't deserve it.

I looked over to her were she lays asleep, a distance between us, as she shuffled in her sleep with her brows pinched together.

Hesitantly, I reach over and threading my fingers through her curls massaging her scalp.
Her bonnet already slipped off her head and somehow ended up on the floor, I guess it's a good thing I got these silk sheets.

Her body seemed to relax her brows aren't furrowed anymore. She groans her arms reaching out to me and she shuffles herself closer to me until she was curled into my side.

I wrap my arm around her keeping her close. I kiss the top of her head, my lips lingering, as the blanket of guilt gets heavier.

I whisper the three words I've been saying since yesterday. "I'm so sorry."

I soon fell asleep with my fingers tangled in the knots of her curls and a pit of guilt in my chest.

I woke up at the same time I always do and drove to the donut shop to get her breakfast, four pigs in a blanket with a peach tea. Her favorite. I also called the school making an excuse for our absence before running a few errands.

When I got back home Delani was still asleep hair is a mess, smooth brown skin, delicate lips. I threw a pillow at her face.

Her eyes blinked open with a look of confusion plastered on her face, and when she saw me standing above her she rolled her eyes turning her back to me.

I let out a sigh. The highlight of my morning.

I sit on the edge of the bed, setting the food down beside, and I caress her face softly. "Come on, Ven. I got you breakfast. You can go back to sleep after you eat, okay?"

"I'm not hungry." She murmurs.

I nod kissing her cheek, "Okay. I'll keep it on the nightstand." I said before getting up, "I'll be downstairs."

I got up from the bed exiting the room and when I made it downstairs I quickly realized I had nothing to do, and gotten bored the second my foot made contact from the stairs to the white tiled floor.

I turn around walking back upstairs to my room walking straight to the sleeping angel in my bed and cling in bed beside her.


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