34- Ma

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"W-What're you doing here?" I stare at my mother as she stands outsides my girlfriend's window

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"W-What're you doing here?" I stare at my mother as she stands outsides my girlfriend's window.

Her skin is pale bringing out the dark bags under her dark hazel eyes and the shadow from her hallow cheeks. Her dark blonde hair looks greasy and as if it hasn't been washed for weeks, hidden under her grey hoodie that appears three times her size hiding her frame.

Her lips crack into a gentle smile that made my stomach twist, "August, It's been so long."

I can't find in myself to move or even utter a word. My mouth was immensely dry and I couldn't decipher if the women in front of me was real. 

I reel in from my confusion when a warm hand gently lays on my shoulder. I snap my head towards Delani and she gives me a comforting smile with warm eyes easing my nerves, but like a switch the warmness disappears from her eyes and her smile drops when she looks at my mother.

My mothers smile falters as her eyes land on Delani, "Aw, is this your friend? She's so pretty."

Delani didn't technically reply to the compliment she just sends her a tight lipped smile, "May  I ask why you're outside my window?" I know Delani was trying to sound polite and yet she failed miserably. She sounded like someone was holding a gun to her head forcing her to say the words.

Anyone could tell Delani wasn't fond of my mother, and I couldn't help but feel she could be nicer to her.

My mother chuckles sheepishly scratching her head, "It's been a while since I've been here. I couldn't remember exactly..."

"You forgot where your son and ex-husband lived, gotcha." Delani purses her lips nodding stiffly, and my mother shifts uncomfortably.

She clears her throat, "Um, August can I speak to you for a moment. Alone."

"Yes." I turn around grabbing my shirt and throwing it over my head, ignoring the look Delani was passing me.

"Auggie, are sure-"

"I'll be back." I kiss her cheek before hopping out the window, and I walk with my mother to my house across the street.

My mother. I couldn't actually believe that she was right here. My heart was beating so hard it was practically beating my ribs, and I'm scared because it was as if all the pained her abandoning me caused suddenly disappeared. Drifted away into dust. I was willing I to do anything for her stay, for her to love me, and it's terrifying.

I open the door to the house opening the door for my mother, and I watch as she walks in looking around, taking in the surroundings. And miraculously the house wasn't cold anymore. It was warm and homey at the sight of one of my parents actually being inside the house.

"Uh...would you like a drink?" I ask, closing the front door.

She looked alarmed at the question before her shoulders drops, "W-Water's fine." She smiles, a little distracted.

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