33- Secrets

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"Je te verrai après l'école maman

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"Je te verrai après l'école maman." My mom's eyes squints as she smiles when I give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"良い一日を、娘" Her native language was fluent on her tongue as she sips her tea.
[Have a good day daughter.]

Unlike my fully trilingual mother I only new bits and pieces of Japanese. I could form a full sentence but I couldn't continued a conversation without accidentally speaking French.

I grab my keys as I make my way out the front door and to my adorable pink car. My baby Bella has been with me for two years and has been my most precious possession.

I named her after my favorite Disney princess, Belle. She's the reason why I am the way I am, why I'm always excited about trying new things. I don't talk about it but my middle school years were...painful.

I guess you could say I was a "goody two shoes" or "teachers pet" passing with all A's, always answering the teachers questions, hair always brushed into a ponytail with a small pink bow, always smiling. I was an easy target.

Belle taught me to see the good in the worse situations, so I never retaliated. Bullies were mean, but watching Beauty and the Beast taught me they had personal problems going on and wanted me to feel there pain, or even understand it.

But I didn't. I never understood how you could project your pain by hurting others but I let them get their fill, tugging my hair, throwing paper balls, emptying my backpack, throwing and tearing my books, if it meant they felt better.

I guess I could thank them, if it wasn't for the bullying I wouldn't have discovered music, my passion.

I stop at a red light and I see a black blotchy figure appear in the corner of my eye. I turn my head and I chuckle at the coincidence.

I glance at the red light before rolling down my window, grinning in amusement I lightly honking my horn to get the guy's attention, "Nice ride." I compliment.

The guy lifts the face shield of his helmet and my heart is practically struck by lightning at familiar green eyes, "Thanks, love" He saids loud enough to be heard over the engine of his motorcycle.

"Yeah, my boyfriend has one just like." I said with a smile.

"Would you boyfriend happen to be Greek, gorgeous green eyes, killer smile, handsome, great personality, overall awesome?" He exaggerates loudly.

With a teasing smile I shrug, "He's alright." I look back forward watching the red light turn green. Because of the helmet I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was offended, and I drove off before he could complain.

Seconds I hear him rev his engine and he speeds pass me, the black vehicle becoming a blur.

Minutes later I'm pulling into the school's parking lot. I turn off my engine taking the keys out the ignition and I get out the car, but before I could even get my bag from the backseat I'm lifted in the air.

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