12- Fortune Cookies

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She didn't eat lunch today

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She didn't eat lunch today.

She probably didn't think I notice, but I did, and there is a slim chance she'll remember to eat anything but a peach for dinner.

I stare at her closed window as I sit in the front seat of my Jeep my thumbs nervously tapping the steering wheel.

My eyes then go to the silk ribbon I stole that is now tied to my rear view mirror. It's the only ribbon she'd let me take, and if she needs it I would switch it out for a different one.
Untying the ribbon from the mirror I wrap and twirl it between my fingers repeatedly.

I just got out of practice, and the whole thing was mess. All my shots never once made into the basket, and I'm sure Coach was considering kicking me off the team.

Because he told me and I quote, 'I'm about to kick you off the team, Beckham!' Before blowing his favorite whistle.

I just couldn't get Delani's and I argument out of my head. It was how she reacted more than the argument itself.

It was like she completely shut down, as if the words are that left her lips were from memory that she'd recited a hundred times.

But mostly it was the way she said it was her fault that made my heart clenched. The words and the tone made her sound small, like she was expecting some type of ridicule or some degradation.

I sigh taking out my phone from my pocket, and texting her mom to come outside.

I roll down my window when I hear the front door of the house open. Mrs. Taylor walks out the house a slight frown on her face as her free curls blow in her face from the wind.

"August What are you doing out here?" She stops next to my car door.

"Me and Ven got into an argument."

"Why don't you just go inside, and resolve it? Sitting out here and staring her window won't do anything, but make you look like a stalker." She cross her arms from the breeze.

I don't know how she knew I was sitting out here, but regardless she's right.

"I would go, but I know she wants to be alone for minute, so could you do me a favor and give this to her?" I grab the bag of Chinese food from the passenger seat giving it to Mrs. Taylor.

It was her favorite, lo mein with orange chicken. I even asked for extra fortune cookies because she always loved them, and one wasn't enough.

"Awww." Mrs. Taylor gushes taking the bag from my hands.

My cheeks heat up, "And don't tell her it's from me. Just say you ordered it on door dash or something."

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