18- Two Types of Frustrated

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This chapter was a bit of a rollercoaster, but you're welcome <3

"So you ready?" August throws his arm my shoulder as we walk into the gym

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"So you ready?" August throws his arm my shoulder as we walk into the gym.

The game doesn't start for another twenty minutes, but people are still filing into the gyms.

Dressed in August's white practice jersey that has the number two in navy blue on the front and back. The jersey was slightly tucked into the cheer gladiator skirt so I wasn't drowning it, and since the school colors are navy blue, white, and yellow I decide to tie a yellow silk ribbon into my hair.

August helped me get ready because he said he wanted to do my hair, and instead of the usual low ponytail he styled it half up and half down. He did really well, and he seemed proud of himself.

"I think I'm gonna throw up. How many people usually come to these games?" I tug a the end of skirt trying to pull it down.

"Not many, but it doesn't matter. You're going to be great either way." He encourages, but I don't think I believe him.

"Yeah. You're right." I nod giving him a small smile.

We walk in front of the bleachers to make it to the other end of the gym, and through the doors that leads to the athletic hallway where the locker rooms are.

Me and August separate as he goes to the boys locker room, and I go to the girls.

Walking into the locker room chatter resounds off the walls, and I choke on the strong variety of perfumes in the air.

Holding my breath asI walk to the furthest column of lockers away from the rest of the girls. There I find Akari who's sitting criss cross against the wall on her phone.

Her outfit similar to mine except the jersey she's wearing has the number sixty nine, and her hair is in two low pigtails.

I drop my bad sliding down next to her, "You came here to breathe too?" She jokes.

"I don't think I can do this." I spoke truthfully laying my head on her shoulder.

"You're one of the best dancer, and you have a fat ass. Where is your confidence?" She saids patting my knee.

"Girl that's been gone for about two years." I mutter, a sense of angst rains down on me, but I keep at bay.

"Not to push, may I ask you why?" She asked hesitantly.

"I was in a bad relationship for six months, I was a sophomore he was a senior, he was manipulative, a bit of a narcissist. It took a bad toll on my mental health and self confidence, but it's whatever." I brush it off.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did it take you so long for you to leave?"

I wasn't upset or uncomfortable she was asking questions. She's a curious person, and I would be curious too. In fact I'm glad she asked because I haven't told anyone.

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