46- Harry Potter

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"How are your stitches?" I ask washing the soap off my body

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"How are your stitches?" I ask washing the soap off my body. Warm water rains down on my bare skin as I stand under the shower head.

"They're fine, yours?" August says from the other side of the shower curtain sitting on the bathroom sink. He insisted on staying in the bathroom while I shower in case I might faint or something bad happens.

My thoughts go to the stitches threaded in my forehead where I hit my head when I fell, which caused a deep cut.

"Hurts a little but okay for the most part. I have a small headache though." I mutter closing my eyes.

"Headache? Are you okay? Is anything blurry?" He rushes pushing the shower curtain back a few inches.

"I'm fine, Auggie. It's just a regular headache." I chuckle glancing at him from over my shoulder.

"Mhm." He hums absentmindedly staring at me in a daze. I roll my eyes.

Walking towards him from under the warm water, and the cold air hits me hardening my nipples and caused goosebumps to rise along my skin.

I tip his chin up pulling his attention to my eyes instead of my breast, looking up at him, "Wanna to join me?"

He groans running a hand over his face, "You know I do, and you know we can't."

I tilt my head faking a pout, "Why not?" I grab both his hands pulling him closer to the edge of the shower tub, and placing his hands on my ass.

He inhales sharply closing his eyes and massaging it in hands, "For one, you have a concussion, I got shot in the arm, we both have stitches, and we're in a hospital."

I graze my lips against his, "I could just get you off. Would a handjob suffice?" I skim the waistband of his sweats.

"It would put me out of my misery." He murmurs, and I don't think he knows he said it.

"Get my towel for me?" I peck his lips and he nods.

I step back turning off the shower and I pull back the shower curtain. I thought August would had me my towel but instead he was standing in the corner farthest from the shower

"August give me my towel so I can suck you off." I hold out my hand.

He gasp pointing at me accusingly, "You said a handjob."

"I'll give you both." I step out the shower walking towards him.

"See, now I don't trust you. Only a handjob, no blowjob, because of your concussion and the movement might not be good for long term effect." He said seriously while I try to suppress my laughter.

"Don't laugh, Lani! I'm serious." He huffs.

I hold my hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay, baby. No blowjob. Now give me my towel I'm freezing my ass off."

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