19- Girlfriend

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"You did that

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"You did that." She accuses; stunned, but all I could do was look into her eyes.

And God it was one of my favorite thing to do.

Every time I look into her eyes I see all the stars you couldn't reach from Earth and it's like I get sucked into a black hole, and I'm lost at space and no one can reach me but her. And I love it.

I pull hands back to my side, "Fuck! I'm sorry. I- I shouldn't have done that without-"

"Please shut up." She interrupts me cupping my face with her delicate hands, her thumb caressing my cheek.

Slowly she leans in for another kiss, which I happily grant her. Her soft, plump lips on mine sends butterflies skyrocketing through my stomach.

I didn't see fireworks like how all the books I've read described it, instead I saw stars.
I saw over an infinity of stars. In saw all the stars I see in her eyes, and it left me in such an daze.

My arm slithered around her waist and I pulled her as close as I could because I couldn't get enough of her, and I'm scared that this is all a dream and if I let go she'll disappear.

Her arms loosely wrap around my neck as she leans back from the kiss, and I take my time to look at her.

Her star holding brown eyes.

Her full two tone lips.

Her cheeks.

Her nose.

Her brown skin.

Everything. Beautiful.

An overwhelming of happiness hits me like cold water, and I couldn't fight the smile on my lips as the back of my eyes sting with tears.

Her brows furrow with worry, "Are you-"

Before she knew it I was spinning around holding her up in the air, in my arms.

She laughs her eyes closed as her face is up towards the ceiling wrapping her arms tighter around my neck, and her curls flying.

I got my dream girl.

A tear slips from my eye rolling down my cheek. Tears of happiness cloud my vision, but that didn't mean I couldn't see her.

Everyday all I saw was her.

I stop spinning and her body slides down against mine as I place her back on her feet reminding me of the hard-on below, but I don't unwrap my arms from around her, that's the last thing I want to do.

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